Create Technique manually


To create a Technique, you’ll need a few things:

CFEngine knowledge
Rudder's Techniques are implemented using CFEngine. Rudder takes care of a lot of the work of using CFEngine, but you’ll need to have a reasonable understanding of the CFEngine syntax.
Rudder installation for testing
To be able to test your new Technique, you’ll need a working Rudder installation (at least a server and a node).
Text editor
The only other tool you need is your favorite text editor!

Define your objective

Before starting to create a new Technique, have you checked that it doesn’t already exist in Rudder? The full list of current Techniques is available from GitHub, at GitHub rudder-techniques repository.

OK, now we’ve got that over with, let’s go on.

A Technique should be an abstract configuration. This means that your Technique shouldn’t just configure something one way, but instead it should implement how to configure something, and offer options for users to choose what way they want it configured. Before starting, make sure you’ve thought through what you want to create.

Here’s a quick checklist to help:

  • Do you need to install packages?
  • Do you need to create or edit configuration files?
  • Do you need to copy files from a central location?
  • Do you need to launch processes or check that they’re running?
  • Do you need to run commands to get things working?

Once you’ve made a list of what needs doing, consider what options could be presented in the user interface, when you create a Directive from your new Technique. Intuitively, the more variables there are, the more flexible your Technique will be. However, experience shows that making the Technique too configurable will actually make it harder to use, so a subtle balance comes in to play here.

At this stage, make a list of all the variables that should be presented to users configuring a Directive from your Technique.

Initialize your new Technique

The simplest way to create a new Technique and be able to test it as you work is to start on a Rudder server. Open a terminal and connect to your Rudder server by ssh, and cd into the directory where Techniques are stored:

$ cd /var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques

Under this directory, you’ll find a set of categories, and sub-categories. Before creating your Technique, choose a category to put it in, and change to that directory. For example:

$ cd applications

You can consult the description of each category by looking at the category.xml file in each directory. For this example:

$ cat category.xml
    <name>Application management</name>
    <description>This category contains Techniques designed to install,
        configure and manage applications</description>

Once you’ve decided on a category, it’s time to create the basic skeleton of your Technique. The technical name for your Technique is it’s directory name, so choose wisely:

mkdir sampleTechnique

All directories under this one are version numbers. Let’s start with a simple 1.0 version. From now on, we’ll work in this directory.

mkdir sampleTechnique/1.0
cd sampleTechnique/1.0

Now, you need a minimum of two files to get your Technique working:

This file describes the Technique, and configures how it will be displayed in the web interface.
st files
These files are templates for CFEngine configuration files. You need at least one, but can have as many as you like. Rudder processes them to generate .cf files ready to be used by CFEngine.

To get started, copy and paste these sample files, or download them from GitHub:

metadata.xml (original file: technique-metadata-sample.xml)

include::technique-metadata-sample.xml (original file: technique-st-sample.xml)


Define variables

WORK IN PROGRESS Define metadata. Enter the variables in sections in the metadata.xml file. Cf

First test in the Rudder interface

Load the new Technique into Rudder and check that the variables and sections are displayed as you expect.

Implement the behavior

WORK IN PROGRESS Write CFEngine promises to implement the behavior that your Template should have.

Read in the variables from Rudder

WORK IN PROGRESS Using StringTemplate notation… Cf

Add reporting

WORK IN PROGRESS The reports format Cf