If you get no reports at all for the Node

First thing to check is to see if reports were received by Rudder server.

Check the last report time (called Last seen) in List Nodes page. If you see:

  • Never: your Node is misconfigured or has a communication issue with the server
  • A date far (more than 15 minutes) from current time: Synchronize server and node time
  • A recent date: check if the node has correctly updated

Now we will check if promises were updated on the Node. Maybe the node could not update its promises anymore, even if the reporting looks ok and Rules seems to be applied but report keeps in ‘No report’.

To check if a node can update its promises, run (one the node) /var/rudder/cfengine-community/bin/cf-agent -KI | grep Update@@None You’ll get the result of the ‘Update‘ component in the execution. The message at the end of the line will tell you if the update succeed of fail: R: @@Common@@result_error@@hasPolicyServer-root@@common-root@@00@@Update@@None@@2014-01-07 07:40:45-02:00##dda3cba8-f6ca-4766-a3cb-09d61f53f6c5@#Cannot update node’s policy or dependencies

To update its promises, a Node needs to get a directory on Rudder server (/var/rudder/share/node_uuid), and Rudder checks if the node is authorized to access that directory. This check is based on the capability to resolve the ip as an accepted node. So if your node can’t update its promises, it’s probably because of a DNS issue!