[rudder-users] rudder 6.0 - feedback, and questions

tim taler robur314 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 21:50:34 CET 2019

hi all,

first: thanks for the new version of your pretty awesome software! :+1:

now here my first feedback:

I like to try the rudder (with no license so far) on a freshly
installed debian buster.
I installed gnupg2 and openjdk-11-jdk beforehand and than followed:


there I hit again, as for version 5.x, the:

debconfig-common question on rsyslog-pgsql

installation went fine with selecting "no" on this debconfig question,
is that right?
I would wish - especially for newbies/first testers - to have either
this question preanswered/solved, OR a hint in the installation howto
saying "you'll hit this question, answer no" (if that's right) -> fix
in docu?

other than that the installation went all smoothly.

diverting from the strict line of the installation procedure
(which suggests to login as admin:admin immediatly)
I changed the login credentials without login in as admin:admin,for
the first time.
- I added a user with a password and changed the admin password
- restarted the rudder-jetty service
- logged in with my new credentials
login went all fine.

after log in I noticed the STATUS button was red,
cleared it to green.

If that's expected, a hint in the installation procedure might give a
more secure and smooth first impression?  ;-)

I was looking forward to have a look at the new CIS (and even CVE??)
compliance feature/plugin
Now as a rudder newbie I went to:


which seems to suggest that there are two types of plugins:
- those who are free
- those who come when you got a license for them

but I seem not to be able to get ANY plugins at this point:

--- snipp ---
root at rudder6:~# rudder package update

Received a HTTP 401 Unauthorized error when trying to get
https://download.rudder.io/plugins/rpkg.index. Please check your
credentials in /opt/rudder/etc/rudder-pkg/rudder-pkg.conf
--- snapp ---
--- snipp ---
root at rudder6:~# rudder package list


| Plugin Name | Version | Latest release |


|             |         |                |
--- snapp ---
--- snipp ---
root at rudder6:~# rudder package list --all

Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)Could not read the index file
--- snapp ---

so far for here and now.
But HOW do I get the CIS (and CVE) plugins (if they are in the "free"
- section) or ANY plugin in from the free section?

thanks again and
best regards!

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