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Revision 7cb6fe56

Added by Alexis Mousset about 7 years ago

Fixes #10214: More consistant naming of techniques

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along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the Apache reverse proxy installation Technique.
Compatibility : Linux Red Hat like, Debian like
It is intended to set up Apache as a reverse proxy server, for example to expose
application server data to the outside or to centralize HTTP ressources in one point.
<TECHNIQUE name="HTTP Reverse Proxy (Apache)">
<TECHNIQUE name="HTTP reverse proxy (Apache)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique will configure the Apache HTTP server as a reverse proxy.
It will ensure the Apache HTTPd package is installed (via the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service is running and configure it to act as a reverse proxy server.
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the Apache installation PT.
Compatibility : Linux Red Hat like, Debian like
It is intended to check if Apache is installed and install it if not,
then check if it is started on boot.
It then adds apache to the boot init scripts if not already set to start on boot.
<TECHNIQUE name="Apache 2 HTTP server">
<TECHNIQUE name="HTTP server (Apache)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique will configure the Apache HTTP server and ensure it is running.
It will ensure the "apache2" package is installed (via the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service is running and start it if not and ensure the service is configured to run on initial system startup.
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the aptPackageInstallation PT.
Compatibility : Linux Debian like
It is intended to install the defined packages, by OS,
and to ensure certain parameters are met, such as the
presence of a package, and if not met to enforce them.
<TECHNIQUE name="Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT systems">
<TECHNIQUE name="Packages (Debian/Ubuntu/APT)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique operates on individual packages.
It will ensure that the defined packages are installed, up-to-date or removed using the APT package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the APT Package Manager Configuration PT.
Compatibility : Debian like
It is intended to set a bunch of options commonly
appreciated by administrators on the APT package
manager, and eventually enforce them.
<TECHNIQUE name="APT package manager configuration">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configure the APT package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
<TECHNIQUE name="Package sources and settings (APT)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configures the APT package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the OpenVPN installation PT.
Compatibility : Linux Red Hat like, Debian like
It is intended to check if OpenVPN is installed and install it if not,
then check if it is started on boot.
It then adds openvpn to the boot init scripts if not already set to start on boot.
<TECHNIQUE name="OpenVPN client">
<TECHNIQUE name="VPN client (OpenVPN)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique will configure the OpenVPN client service and ensure it is running.
It will ensure the "openvpn" package is installed (via the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service is running and start it if not and ensure the service is configured to run on initial system startup.
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Package management">
<TECHNIQUE name="Packages">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique operates on individual packages.
It will ensure that the defined packages are in the desired state using the appropriate package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
<TECHNIQUE name="Repository GPG Key Management for RPM / APT Systems">
<TECHNIQUE name="Package repository keys (RPM/APT)">
<!-- This description is displayed in detailed views in the interface.
It should be used to describe what this Technique does, in detail.
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the rpmPackageInstallation PT.
Compatibility : Linux RedHat like
It is intended to install the defined packages, by OS,
and to ensure certain parameters are met, such as the
presence of a package, and if not met to enforce them.
<TECHNIQUE name="Package management for RHEL / CentOS / SuSE / RPM systems">
<TECHNIQUE name="Packages (RHEL/CentOS/SuSE/RPM)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique operates on individual packages.
It will ensure that the defined packages are installed, up-to-date or removed using the yum/zypper package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="RUG / YaST package manager configuration (ZMD)">
<TECHNIQUE name="Package manager settings (RUG/YaST/ZMD)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configures the RUG and YaST package manager using Novell's ZMD.</DESCRIPTION>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Zypper package repositories management">
<TECHNIQUE name="Package sources (Zypper)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configures repositories for Zypper package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Zypper package manager setup">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique setups Zypper package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
<TECHNIQUE name="Package manager settings (Zypper)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configures Zypper package manager.</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version=">= 10 SP1 (Agama Lizard)">SuSE LES / DES / OpenSuSE</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Manage files and folders">
<TECHNIQUE name="File and directory basics">
<DESCRIPTION>Make sure that files and folders exist, and set their permissions</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Set the permissions on files">
<TECHNIQUE name="File permissions">
<DESCRIPTION>Set the permissions on files</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Enforce a file content">
<TECHNIQUE name="File content">
<DESCRIPTION>Checks if a file matches a given content and if not, updates it</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version=">= 4 (Etch)">Debian</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Download a file from the shared folder">
<TECHNIQUE name="File download (Rudder server)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique ensure that some files are the copy of files on the shared folder of the Rudder Root Server, and let you optionally execute a command if the content of the file was modified</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the downloadFile PT.
Compatibility : Linux Red Hat like, Debian like
It is intended to download a file from a curl
supported source (such as HTTP) and store it on
the given destination.
<TECHNIQUE name="Download a file">
<TECHNIQUE name="File download (HTTP)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique downloads a file from a server.
It takes a cURL compatible source (HTTP/FTP/...) and a destination on the target host.
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<!-- This technique lets user define a key-value in a file -->
<TECHNIQUE name="Manage keys-values in file">
<TECHNIQUE name="File content (key/value format)">
<DESCRIPTION>Manage keys-values in file</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Job scheduler">
<TECHNIQUE name="Scheduled jobs">
<DESCRIPTION>Runs commands, optionally in the background, optionally with a random distribution across nodes. The command will be run on all nodes, with execution time spread over the period selected. Execution time will remain the same on each node, but will appear random across all nodes.</DESCRIPTION>
<OS>Every OS</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<!-- This technique sets generalist clock parameters like NTP servers and timezones -->
<TECHNIQUE name="Time settings">
<DESCRIPTION>Configure system clock (automatic updates via NTP, time zone, ...)</DESCRIPTION>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Generic CFEngine Command variable definition">
<TECHNIQUE name="Variable from command output (string)">
<DESCRIPTION>Configures a generic CFEngine variable in a common bundle from the output of an executable, to be used in another Technique. This Technique does nothing by itself, you must reuse the variable(s) you will create here in another Technique with the form: $(generic_cmd_var_def.variablename)</DESCRIPTION>
<OS>Every OS</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<!-- This technique sets generalist clock parameters like NTP servers and timezones -->
<TECHNIQUE name="Generic CFEngine variable definition">
<TECHNIQUE name="Variable (string)">
<DESCRIPTION>Configures a generic CFEngine variable in a common bundle, to be used in another Technique. This Technique does nothing by itself, you must reuse the variable(s) you will create here in another Technique with the form: ${generic_variable_definition.variablename}</DESCRIPTION>
<OS>Every OS</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Monitor partition size">
<TECHNIQUE name="Partition size monitoring">
<DESCRIPTION>Execute command(s) when partition free space gets under desired threshold</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<!-- This technique sets generalist clock parameters like NTP servers and timezones -->
<TECHNIQUE name="CFEngine variable definition using a JSON file">
<TECHNIQUE name="Variable from JSON file (dict)">
<DESCRIPTION>Downloads a JSON file from shared-files and reads it into CFEngine variables. You can use these variables in the form ${your_namespace.variable_name}</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the DNS configuration PT.
Compatibility : Debian like, RedHat like, SuSE like and Windows
It is intended to check if the required DNS entries are set.
<TECHNIQUE name="Name resolution">
<TECHNIQUE name="DNS settings">
<OS version=">= 4 (Etch)">Debian</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the hosts configuration PT.
Compatibility : Debian like, RedHat like, SuSE like and Windows
It is intended to check if the required hosts entries are set.
<TECHNIQUE name="Hosts settings">
<TECHNIQUE name="Hosts local entries">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configures the machine hosts file. Be careful: The IP address is used as the key reference for any edition and if multiple hosts have been specified with the same IP in the hosts file, the matching entry defined here will take precedence and erase all the other occurrences of the same IP</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version=">= 4 (Etch)">Debian</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the NFS Client configuration PT.
Compatibility : Debian like, RedHat like, SuSE like
It is intended to check if the NFS client is installed and if the
required mount points are set with the right options.
<TECHNIQUE name="NFS Client">
<TECHNIQUE name="NFS client">
<OS version=">= 4 (Etch)">Debian</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the NFS Server configuration PT.
Compatibility : Debian like, RedHat like, SuSE like
It is intended to check if the NFS server is installed and if the
required mount points are set with the right options.
<TECHNIQUE name="NFS Server">
<TECHNIQUE name="NFS server">
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the routingManagement PT.
Compatibility : Linux like, Windows
It is intended to check the defined routes, by OS,
and to ensure they are present if required.
<TECHNIQUE name="IPv4 routing management">
<TECHNIQUE name="IPv4 routing">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique operates on the system routing table.
It will ensure that the defined routes are present, and will add them if required.</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This it a process management PT.
It takes multivalued arguments to get name, min instances, max instances,
restart command and args of the processes to monitor.
It then accepts a global process blacklist to kill mercilessly.
It then reports out of bounds process count numbers, restarts them if
necessary and kill undesired processes.
<TECHNIQUE name="Services Management">
<TECHNIQUE name="Services">
<DESCRIPTION>Check and enforce the state of processes and services</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version=">= 4 (Etch)">Debian</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the SSH installation Technique.
Compatibility : Linux Red Hat like, Debian like
It is intended to check if SSH is installed and install it if not,
then check if it is started on boot.
Then, it modifies if required the given configuration statements and if needed, restarts ssh.
It then adds ssh to the boot init scripts if not already set to start on boot.
This implemenation is intended as a reference for Technique development best practices.
<TECHNIQUE name="OpenSSH server">
<TECHNIQUE name="SSH server (OpenSSH)">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique will configure the SSH service and ensure it is running.
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the SSH Key distribution Technique.
Compatibility : Linux Red Hat like, Debian like
It is intended to check if all the required SSH keys are installed.
<TECHNIQUE name="SSH keys distribution">
<TECHNIQUE name="SSH authorised keys">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique will check if the required SSH keys are present on a user directory.</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version=">= 4 (Etch)">Debian</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Monitor a file or directory content">
<TECHNIQUE name="File integrity">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique checks wether a file or directory has changed between agent executions and report changes if any</DESCRIPTION>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<TECHNIQUE name="Cron daemon configuration">
<TECHNIQUE name="Cron jobs">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique enables you to set tasks (or "jobs") that will be launched regularily using crond.</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version="System V and related">UNIX</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the fstab configuration PT.
Compatibility : UNIX like
It is intended to check if the fstab is up to date with the
given parameters.
<TECHNIQUE name="Fstab configuration">
<TECHNIQUE name="Filesystem mount points">
<DESCRIPTION>Configures the system fstab</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the MOTD configuration PT.
Compatibility : UNIX like
It is intended to check if the required motd is installed.
<TECHNIQUE name="MOTD and pre-login banner configuration">
<TECHNIQUE name="MOTD and pre-login banner">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique will check if the required Message Of The Day is present on the system.</DESCRIPTION>
<OS version="System V and related, Windows">UNIX, Windows</OS>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the groupManagement PT.
Compatibility : Linux like, Windows like
It is intended to check the group parameters on the target host.
<TECHNIQUE name="Group management">
<TECHNIQUE name="Groups">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique manages the target host(s) groups.
It will ensure that the defined groups are present on the system.</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the sudoParameters PT.
Compatibility : Linux like, BSD like
It is intended to configure the /etc/sudoers file.
<TECHNIQUE name="Sudo utility configuration">
<TECHNIQUE name="Sudoers">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique configures the sudo utility.
It will ensure that the defined rights for given users and groups are correctly defined.</DESCRIPTION>
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This is the userManagement Technique.
Compatibility : Linux like, Windows like, AIX like
It is intended to check the user parameters on the target host.
<TECHNIQUE name="User management">
<TECHNIQUE name="Users">
<DESCRIPTION>This technique manages the target host(s) users.
It will ensure that the defined users are present on the system.</DESCRIPTION>

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