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Revision ddc235da

Added by Alexis Mousset over 7 years ago

Fixes #9749: rudder-upgrade should use the database name from the webapp configuration

View differences:

SQL_PASSWORD="$(grep -E '^rudder.jdbc.password[ \t]*=' ${RUDDER_OPT}/etc/ | cut -d "=" -f 2-)"
SQL_SERVER="$(grep -E '^rudder.jdbc.url[ \t]*=' ${RUDDER_OPT}/etc/ | cut -d '=' -f 2- | sed 's%^.*://\(.*\):\(.*\)/.*$%\1%')"
SQL_PORT="$(grep -E '^rudder.jdbc.url[ \t]*=' ${RUDDER_OPT}/etc/ | cut -d '=' -f 2- | sed 's%^.*://\(.*\):\(.*\)/.*$%\2%')"
SQL_DATABASE="$(grep -E '^rudder.jdbc.url[ \t]*=' ${RUDDER_OPT}/etc/ | cut -d '=' -f 2- | sed 's%^.*://.*:.*/\(.*\)$%\1%')"
# - 3.0.0 : File Format migration from 5 to 6
STEP="3.0.0: File Format migration from 5 to 6"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(*) from (select ((xpath('/entry//@fileFormat',data))[1]::text) as id from eventlog) as T where id='5';")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from (select ((xpath('/entry//@fileFormat',data))[1]::text) as id from eventlog) as T where id='5';")
if [ $RES -ne 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-3.0-set-migration-needed-flag-for-EventLog.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-3.0-set-migration-needed-flag-for-EventLog.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
# All versions: Check that Rudder database is able to handle backslash
STEP="All versions: Check that Rudder database is able to handle backslash"
CHECK_BACKSLASH=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select '\\foo';" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "foo" || true)
CHECK_BACKSLASH=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select '\\foo';" 2>/dev/null | grep -c "foo" || true)
if [ ${CHECK_BACKSLASH} -ne 1 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Rudder database is not backslash compliant, fixing..."
${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "alter database rudder set standard_conforming_strings=true;" >/dev/null 2>&1
${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "alter database rudder set standard_conforming_strings=true;" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo " Done"
echo -n "INFO: Rudder application will now restart..."
${JETTY_INIT} restart >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "WARNING: Jetty failed to start, maybe there is not enough RAM or swap on the machine. Skipping..."
# - 2.10.17 : Migration DB schema to correct the historization of rules
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name='rulesgroupjoin' and column_name = 'targetserialisation';")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name='rulesgroupjoin' and column_name = 'targetserialisation';")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.10-2.10-historization-of-groups-in-rules.sql > /dev/null
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.10-2.10-historization-of-groups-in-rules.sql > /dev/null
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name='globalschedule';")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name='globalschedule';")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.10-2.10-historization-of-agent-schedule.sql > /dev/null
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.10-2.10-historization-of-agent-schedule.sql > /dev/null
# 3.0.0: Add the nodeConfigId column in the ReportsExecution table and add the nodes_info table
STEP="Add the nodeConfigId column in the ReportsExecution table and add the nodes_info table"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(1) from pg_class where relname = 'nodes_info'")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(1) from pg_class where relname = 'nodes_info'")
if [ ${RES} -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-2.12-add-nodeconfigids-columns.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-2.12-add-nodeconfigids-columns.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
# 3.0.0: Add the insertionId column in the ReportsExecution table and fill it for the last nodes run
STEP="Add the insertionId column in the ReportsExecution table and fill it for the last nodes run"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(1) from information_schema.columns where table_name='reportsexecution' and column_name = 'insertionid'")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(1) from information_schema.columns where table_name='reportsexecution' and column_name = 'insertionid'")
if [ ${RES} -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-3.0-add-insertionids-column.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-3.0-add-insertionids-column.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
# 3.0.0: Replace varchar by text in the database
STEP="Replace all occurences of varchar by text in the database"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(1) from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'eventlog' and column_name = 'eventtype' and data_type = 'character varying'")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(1) from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'eventlog' and column_name = 'eventtype' and data_type = 'character varying'")
if [ ${RES} -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-3.0-remove-varchar.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-3.0-remove-varchar.sql > /dev/null 2>&1
# - 2.11.19 : Migration DB schema to modify indexes on eventlog to improve upgrade speed
STEP="Migration DB schema to modify indexes on eventlog to improve upgrade speed"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'eventlog_fileformat_idx'")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'eventlog_fileformat_idx'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Updating the PostgreSQL indexes, this may take several minutes..."
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-2.11-index-eventlog.sql > /dev/null
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-2.11-index-eventlog.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# - 3.0.14: Migration DB schema to add an indexes on nodeconfigids on table expectedreportsnodes
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'nodeconfigids_idx'")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'nodeconfigids_idx'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Updating the PostgreSQL indexes, this may take several minutes..."
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.0-3.0-add-index-nodeconfigids.sql > /dev/null
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.0-3.0-add-index-nodeconfigids.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# - 3.0.17: Migration DB schema to add an indexes on eventType and executionTimeStamp on table RudderSysEvents
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'changes_executiontimestamp_idx'")
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'changes_executiontimestamp_idx'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Updating the PostgreSQL indexes, this may take several minutes..."
${PSQL} -d rudder -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.0-3.0-add-index-changes-executiontimestamp.sql > /dev/null
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.0-3.0-add-index-changes-executiontimestamp.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
if retry_wrapper "${PSQL} -t -d rudder -c 'select count(ruleid) from rules' >/dev/null 2>&1" "PostgreSQL";
if retry_wrapper "${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c 'select count(ruleid) from rules' >/dev/null 2>&1" "PostgreSQL";
echo " OK"

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