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Revision 6c2e9da1

Added by Alexis Mousset over 6 years ago

Fixes #11743: Remove old migration scripts

View differences:

# - All versions : upgrade system Techniques automatically and reload the Technique library
# - All versions : Check that Rudder database is able to handle backslash
# - All versions : Check for the PostgreSQL version (>= 8.4)
# - 2.10.17 : Migration DB schema to correct the historization of rules
# - 2.10.17 : Migration DB schema to add historization of global agent schedule
# - 2.11.19 : Add index on fileformat for eventlog
# - 2.11.23 : Add 'api compatibility' property
# - 3.0.17 : Add index on eventType and executionTimeStamp on RudderSysEvents
# - 3.1.10 : Add masterfiles in the server
# - 3.2.0 : Add the properties to configuration authentication provider and master admin account
# - 3.2.0 : Add the properties to configure Rudder roles
# - 3.2.0 : Call rudderify to make sure local techniques are copied in each agent promises
# - 3.1.14, 3.2.7: Disable 'javascript engine' feature on upgrade - keeping that in 4.0 to avoid behaviour changes
# - 4.0.0 : Add new nodeConfigurations table and related indexes
# - 4.0.0 : Add new archive table for nodeConfigurations and reportsexecution
# - 4.1.0 : Add new compliance tables
# - 4.1.0 : Add the property to configure relay api location
# - 4.1.0 : Add property to define hooks ignore suffixes
# - 4.1.0 : Migrate script properties to hooks
# Some paths
if [ -f ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf ]; then
STEP="Make sure that ncf uses the right logger bundles (_log_default and log_rudder)"
# 3.2.0 Rename _logger_default to _log_default
if grep -Eq "^loggers=.*_logger_default.*" ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf; then
sed -i "s%^loggers=\(.*\)_logger_default\(.*\)$%loggers=\1_log_default\2%" ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf
# 3.2.0: Rename logger_rudder to log_rudder
if grep -Eq "^loggers=.*logger_rudder.*" ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf; then
sed -i "s%^loggers=\(.*\)logger_rudder\(.*\)$%loggers=\1log_rudder\2%" ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf
# 3.2.0: Add log_rudder if it's not present
if ! grep -Eq "^loggers=.*log_rudder.*" ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf; then
sed -i "s%^loggers=\(.*\)%loggers=\1,log_rudder%" ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf
# 2.11.18, 3.0.13, 3.1.6 and 3.2.0: Anticipate the copy from ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf to ${RUDDER_VAR}/ncf/local
cp -f ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/ncf.conf ${RUDDER_VAR}/ncf/local/
# 2.11.23, 3.1.12 and 3.2.5: Ensure techniques written from the Technique Editor are not world-readable
# Security check: Ensure techniques written from the Technique Editor are not world-readable
if [ -x ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/50_techniques ]; then
chmod -R o-rwx ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/ncf/50_techniques/
# 3.2.0: Call rudderify on all local ncf techniques to make sure the promises will be properly generated
# Call rudderify on all local ncf techniques to make sure the promises will be properly generated
rudderify_techniques() {
STEP="Call rudderify on all local ncf techniques (#7443)"
if [ -d ${CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY}/techniques ]; then
# Upgrade masterfiles
upgrade_masterfiles() {
# - 3.1.10 Now we should have a masterfiles initialized from initial promises
# We should have a masterfiles initialized from initial promises
STEP="Upgrade masterfiles from initial promises"
if [ -d "${RUDDER_SHARE}/initial-promises/" ]
# Upgrade the file
upgrade_rudder_web_properties() {
# - 3.2.0 : Add properties to configure authentication plugins and master admin
# note: we can't use rudder.auth.admin.login (or .password) because it's commented
# out by default, so it would defeat the regex.
# We also need to comment out rudder.auth.ldap.enable and use its value to decide
# if we should use "ldap" of "file" for rudder.auth.type
STEP="Add properties to configure authentication plugins and master admin"
if grep -iEq "^rudder.auth.ldap.enable\s*=\s*false" /opt/rudder/etc/; then
# comment the line for rudder.auth.ldap.enable if not already commented
sed -i 's%^\(rudder\.auth\.ldap\.enable.*\)%#\1%' /opt/rudder/etc/
check_and_add_config_property rudder.auth.provider "
# Rudder Authentication #############################################################
# Rudder has a root admin account, with full rights on the
# application, and whose authentication is independant from
# the authentication provider chosen (file, LDAP, etc).
# By default, the accound is disabled (either by letting the
# the login or the password empty, or by commenting it).
# By default, both authentication and authorization are handle in the rudder-users.xml
# file. But you may want to rely on your existing entreprise Active Directory or LDAP
# to take care of the authentication part.
# To choose the scheme to use, either use 'file' or 'ldap' for the rudder.auth.type
# parameter.
# You can also use a comma separated list of authentication provider to use,
# like 'ldap, file' in which case each one will be tested in turned for authentication.
# When set to 'ldap', passwords in rudder-users.xml are ignored and the
# authentication is delegated to the LDAP server configured below.
# By convention, when LDAP authentication is enable, 'password' field in
# rudder-users.xml are set to 'LDAP'
# Comma separated list of authentication providers. Default provider are
# 'file', 'ldap'.
# - 3.2.0 : Add properties to define the role of servers
STEP="Add properties to define the new roles of servers"
check_and_add_config_property rudder.server-roles.relay-promises-only "
# Rudder roles definition
# Allow to define which hosts have the roles relay-promises-only, cfengine-mission-portal when
# using a split architecture of Rudder
# The file containing the roles will be generated in:
# /var/rudder/configuration-repository/inputs/rudder-server-roles.conf
# The allowed values, for each parameter are
# - autodetect (default): the roles are automatically detected based on inventories (based on the presence of files in /opt/rudder/etc/server-roles.d/)
# - anything else (hostname, ip, or list of hostname or ip, seperated by commas): the
# content that will be used inside the role file
# The hosts with the relay promises role
# The hosts with the cfengine mission portal role
# - 4.1.0 : Add property to configure relay api location
STEP="Add property to configure relay api location"
check_and_add_config_property rudder.server.relay.api "
# Location of the relay api used by rudder webapp
# It's the base url of relay api, Rudder will manage to call the correct url from that base
# - 4.1.0 : Add property to define hooks ignore suffixes
STEP="Add property to define the list of suffixes to ignore hooks"
check_and_add_config_property rudder.hooks.ignore-suffixes "
# Server side Hooks #############################################################
# This property contains the comma separated list of suffixes that will be checked
# before running a hook under /opt/rudder/etc/hooks.d.
# If an executable file has one of the following suffixes, it
# will be IGNORED and the corresponding hook skipped. Non executable files are
# always ignored, with or without any of these suffixes.
# Spaces are trimmed. Case is not relevant (both .disabled and .DISABLED will be ignored)
rudder.hooks.ignore-suffixes= .swp, ~, .bak, \
.cfnew , .cfsaved , .cfedited, .cfdisabled, .cfmoved,\
.dpkg-old, .dpkg-dist, .dpkg-new, .dpkg-tmp,\
.disable , .disabled , _disable , _disabled,\
.ucf-old , .ucf-dist , .ucf-new ,\
.rpmnew , .rpmsave , .rpmorig
# - 4.1.0 : Migrate script properties to hooks
# Replace checkpromises with a hook
[ "${CURRENT_CHECKPROMISES}" = "" ] && CURRENT_CHECKPROMISES=$(sed -n '/^rudder.nova.checkpromises.command/s/rudder.nova.checkpromises.command=//p' "${RUDDER_WEB_PROPERTIES}")
if [ "${CURRENT_CHECKPROMISES}" = "/bin/true" ]
# if /bin/true, just remove the hook
mv "${HOOK_NAME}" "${HOOK_NAME}.disabled"
elif [ "${CURRENT_CHECKPROMISES}" = "/var/rudder/cfengine-community/bin/cf-promises" ] || [ -z "${CURRENT_CHECKPROMISES}" ] || [ -f "${HOOK_NAME}.disabled" ]
# if default value, do nothing
# if anything else present, put it in a hook replacing the distributed one
mv "${HOOK_NAME}" "${HOOK_NAME}.disabled"
# This file has been created by Rudder postinstall from your pre 4.1 file
# The matching property has been commented out
chmod +x "${MIGRATED_HOOK_NAME}"
echo "INFO: A non default checkpromises command has been found in your file"
echo "INFO: It has been converted into a hook in ${MIGRATED_HOOK_NAME} You may want to take a look"
sed -i 's/^' "${RUDDER_WEB_PROPERTIES}"
sed -i 's/^rudder.nova.checkpromises.command/' "${RUDDER_WEB_PROPERTIES}"
# Replace reload server command with a hook
CURRENT_SERVER_COMMAND=$(sed -n '/^rudder.cfengine.reload.server.command/s/rudder.cfengine.reload.server.command=//p' "${RUDDER_WEB_PROPERTIES}")
if [ "${CURRENT_SERVER_COMMAND}" = "/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-reload-cf-serverd" ]
# if default value, do nothing
elif [ -z "${CURRENT_SERVER_COMMAND}" ] || [ -f "${HOOK_NAME}.disabled" ]
# already migrated
# if anything else present, put it in a hook replacing the distributed one
mv "${HOOK_NAME}" "${HOOK_NAME}.disabled"
# This file has been created by Rudder postinstall from your pre 4.1 file
# The matching property has been commented out
chmod +x "${MIGRATED_HOOK_NAME}"
echo "INFO: A non default reload server command has been found in your file"
echo "INFO: It has been converted into a hook in ${MIGRATED_HOOK_NAME} You may want to take a look"
sed -i 's/^rudder.cfengine.reload.server.command/#rudder.cfengine.reload.server.command/' "${RUDDER_WEB_PROPERTIES}"
echo " Done"
# - 2.10.17, 2.11.14, 3.0.9 and 3.1.2 : Migration DB schema to correct the historization of rules
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name='rulesgroupjoin' and column_name = 'targetserialisation';")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.10-2.10-historization-of-groups-in-rules.sql > /dev/null
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name='globalschedule';")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.10-2.10-historization-of-agent-schedule.sql > /dev/null
# - 2.11.19, 3.0.14, 3.1.8 and 3.2.1 : Migration DB schema to modify indexes on eventlog to improve upgrade speed
STEP="Migration DB schema to modify indexes on eventlog to improve upgrade speed"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'eventlog_fileformat_idx'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Updating the PostgreSQL indexes, this may take several minutes..."
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-2.11-2.11-index-eventlog.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# - 3.0.17, 3.1.11 and 3.2.4 : Migration DB schema to add an indexes on eventType and executionTimeStamp on table RudderSysEvents
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(oid) from pg_class where lower(relname) = 'changes_executiontimestamp_idx'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Updating the PostgreSQL indexes, this may take several minutes..."
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.0-3.0-add-index-changes-executiontimestamp.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# - 3.1.x and 3.2.x to 4.0.0: Migration DB schema to add table "nodeConfiguration" and related indexes
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.columns where lower(table_name) = 'nodeconfigurations'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Adding new 'nodeConfigurations' table and updating indexes, this may take several seconds..."
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.2.x-4.0-add-nodeconfigurations.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# - 3.1.x and 3.2.x to 4.0.0: Migration DB schema to add archive table "archivedNodeConfigurations" and "ArchivedReportsExecution"
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.columns where lower(table_name) = 'archivednodeconfigurations'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Adding new 'archivedNodeConfigurations' and 'ArchivedReportsExecution' tables"
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-3.2.x-4.0-add-archived-tables.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# - 4.0.x to 4.1.0: add compliance table
RES=$(${PSQL} -t -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -c "select count(*) from information_schema.columns where lower(table_name) = 'nodecompliance'")
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Adding new 'compliances' table"
${PSQL} -d ${SQL_DATABASE} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/dbMigration-4.0.x-4.1-add-compliance-table.sql > /dev/null
echo " Done"
# Now check the fileFormat in the eventlog
if [ ${LDAP_EXISTS} -ne 0 ]; then
# - 2.11.23, 3.1.12 and 3.2.5 : Add LDAP entry for 'api_compatibility_mode' property, and set 'true' as value, different from default value (false) on a fresh 3.1
STEP="Add LDAP entry for 'api_compatibility_mode' property"
LDAP_TEST_SYSLOG_PROPERTY=$(${LDAPSEARCH} -b "propertyName=api_compatibility_mode,ou=Application Properties,cn=rudder-configuration" -s base dn 2> /dev/null | grep -c "dn: propertyName=api_compatibility_mode" || true)
if [ ${LDAP_TEST_SYSLOG_PROPERTY} -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Adding 'api_compatibility_mode' property..."
${LDAPADD} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/ldapMigration-2.11-2.11-add-api-compatibility-mode.ldif >/dev/null 2>&1
echo " Done."
# - 3.1.14, 3.2.7 : Disable 'javascript engine' feature on upgrade
STEP="Disable 'javascript script engine' feature"
LDAP_TEST_SYSLOG_PROPERTY=$(${LDAPSEARCH} -b "propertyName=rudder_featureSwitch_directiveScriptEngine,ou=Application Properties,cn=rudder-configuration" -s base dn 2> /dev/null | grep -c "dn: propertyName=rudder_featureSwitch_directiveScriptEngine" || true)
if [ ${LDAP_TEST_SYSLOG_PROPERTY} -eq 0 ]; then
echo -n "INFO: Disabling 'javascript script engine' feature..."
${LDAPADD} -f ${RUDDER_UPGRADE_TOOLS}/ldapMigration-3.1.x-3.1.14-3.2.7-disable-js-directive.ldif
echo " Done."

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