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Revision e8158dc4

Added by Nicolas CHARLES about 12 years ago

Refs #2337 : rename in the documentation the pt/pi/cr

View differences:

As illustrated in this summary diagram, the configuration rules are linking the
As illustrated in this summary diagram, the rules are linking the
functions of inventory management and configuration management.
["graphviz", "concepts.png"]
It is possible to use Rudder on other platforms than the ones listed here.
However, we haven't tested the application on them, and can't currently supply
any packages for them. Moreover, the Policy Templates are likely to fail. If you
any packages for them. Moreover, the Techniques are likely to fail. If you
wish to try Rudder on other systems, please contact us.
application server. It depends on a compatible Java Runtime Environment. It can
be either 'Oracle Java JRE' or 'OpenJDK 7 JRE'.
Package for the Policy Templates. They are installed in
+/opt/rudder/share/policy-templates+. At runtime, the Policy Templates are
Package for the Techniques. They are installed in
+/opt/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques+. At runtime, the Techniques are
copied into a 'git' repository in +/var/rudder+. Therefore, the package depends
on the +git+ package.
The package is not a dependency, but its installation is recommended. The
running Policy Templates Library is maintained as a git repository in
+/var/rudder/policy-templates+. It can be useful to have git installed on the
+/var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques+. It can be useful to have git installed on the
system for maintenance purpose.
// include::../glossary/big-red-button.txt[]
+/var/rudder/cfengine-community+:: Data for CFEngine Community are stored here.
+/var/rudder/policy-templates+:: Policy Templates are stored here.
+/var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques+:: Policy Templates are stored here.
+/var/cfengine+:: Data for CFEngine Nova are stored here.
==== Configuration Management
In the Configuration Management section, you can select the Policy Templates,
configure the Policy Instances and manage the Configuration Rules.
In the Configuration Management section, you can select the Techniques,
configure the Directives and manage the Rules.
.Configuration Management menu
=== Policy Templates
==== Concepts
A Policy Template defines a set of operations and configurations to reach the
desired behaviour. This includes the initial set-up, but also a regular check on
the parameters, and automatic repairs (when possible).
All the Policy Templates are built with the possibility to change only part of a
service configuration: each parameter may be either active, either set on the
"Don't change" value, that will let the default values or in place. This allows
for a progressive deployment of the configuration management.
Finally, the Policy Templates will generate a set of reports which are sent to
the Rudder Root Server, which will let you analyse the percentage of compliance
of your policies, and soon, detailed reports on their application.
==== Manage the Policy Templates
The Policy Templates shipped with Rudder are presented in a library that you can
reorganize in *Administration > Policy Template Library Management*. The library
is organized in two parts: the available Policy Templates, and the selection
made by the user.
The current version of Rudder has only an handful of *Policy Templates*. We are
aware that it considerably limits the use of the application, but we choose to
hold back other Policy Templates that did not, from our point of view, have the
sufficient quality. In the future, there will be some upgrades including more
Policy Templates.
The creation of new Policy Templates is not covered by the Web interface. This
is an advanced task which is currently not covered by this guide.
==== Available Policy Templates
=== Techniques
==== Concepts
A Technique defines a set of operations and configurations to reach the
desired behaviour. This includes the initial set-up, but also a regular check on
the parameters, and automatic repairs (when possible).
All the Techniques are built with the possibility to change only part of a
service configuration: each parameter may be either active, either set on the
"Don't change" value, that will let the default values or in place. This allows
for a progressive deployment of the configuration management.
Finally, the Techniques will generate a set of reports which are sent to
the Rudder Root Server, which will let you analyse the percentage of compliance
of your policies, and soon, detailed reports on their application.
==== Manage the Techniquess
The Techniques shipped with Rudder are presented in a library that you can
reorganize in *Configuration > Techniques*. The library
is organized in two parts: the available Techniques, and the selection
made by the user.
The current version of Rudder has only an handful of *Techniques*. We are
aware that it considerably limits the use of the application, but we choose to
hold back other Techniques that did not, from our point of view, have the
sufficient quality. In the future, there will be some upgrades including more
The creation of new Techniques is not covered by the Web interface. This
is an advanced task which is currently not covered by this guide.
==== Available Techniques
// FIXME: this list should be generated from PT source code see
// when it is done, uncomment following
// line and delete uneeded paragraphs: include::../temp/available_pt.txt
===== Application management
Apache 2 HTTP server:: This Policy Template will configure the Apache HTTP
server and ensure it is running. It will ensure the "apache2" package is
installed (via the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service
is running and start it if not and ensure the service is configured to run on
initial system startup. Configuration will create a rudder vhost file.
APT package manager configuration:: Configure the apt-get and aptitude tools on
GNU/Linux Debian and Ubuntu, especially the source repositories.
OpenVPN client:: This Policy Template will configure the OpenVPN client service
and ensure it is running. It will ensure the "openvpn" package is installed (via
the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service is running and
start it if not and ensure the service is configured to run on initial system
startup. Configuration will create a rudder.conf file. As of this version, only
the PSK peer identification method is supported, please use the "Download File"
Policy Template to distribute the secret key.
Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT based systems:: Install, update or
delete packages, automatically and consistently on GNU/Linux Debian and Ubuntu.
Package management for RHEL / CentOS / RPM based systems:: Install, update or
delete packages, automatically and consistently on GNU/Linux CentOS and RedHat.
===== Distributing files
Copy a file:: Copy a file on the machine
Distribute ssh keys:: Distribute ssh keys on servers
Download a file:: Download a file for a standard URL (HTTP/FTP), and set
permissions on the downloaded file.
===== File state configuration
Set the permissions of files:: Set the permissions of files
===== System settings: Miscellaneous
Time settings:: Set up the time zone, the NTP server, and the frequency of time
synchronisation to the hardware clock. Also ensures that the NTP service is
installed and started.
===== System settings: Networking
Hosts settings:: Configure the contents of the hosts filed on any operating
system (Linux and Windows).
IPv4 routing management:: Control IPv4 routing on any system (Linux and
Windows), with four possible actions: add, delete (changes will be made), check
presence or check absence (a warning may be returned, but no changes will be
made) for a given route.
Name resolution:: Set up the IP address of the DNS server name, and the default
search domain.
NFS Server:: Configure a NFS server
===== System settings: Process
Process Management:: Enforce defined parameters on system processes
===== System settings: Remote access
OpenSSH server:: Install and set up the SSH service on Linux nodes. Many
parameters are available.
===== System settings: User management
Group management:: This Policy Template manages the target host(s) groups. It
will ensure that the defined groups are present on the system.
Sudo utility configuration:: This Policy Template configures the sudo utility.
It will ensure that the defined rights for given users and groups are correctly
User management:: Control users on any system (Linux and Windows), including
passwords, with four possible actions: add, delete (changes will be made), check
presence or check absence (a warning may be returned, but no changes will be
made) for a given user.
// FIXME: this list should be generated from PT source code see
// when it is done, uncomment following
// line and delete uneeded paragraphs: include::../temp/available_pt.txt
===== Application management
Apache 2 HTTP server:: This Policy Template will configure the Apache HTTP
server and ensure it is running. It will ensure the "apache2" package is
installed (via the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service
is running and start it if not and ensure the service is configured to run on
initial system startup. Configuration will create a rudder vhost file.
APT package manager configuration:: Configure the apt-get and aptitude tools on
GNU/Linux Debian and Ubuntu, especially the source repositories.
OpenVPN client:: This Policy Template will configure the OpenVPN client service
and ensure it is running. It will ensure the "openvpn" package is installed (via
the appropriate packaging tool for each OS), ensure the service is running and
start it if not and ensure the service is configured to run on initial system
startup. Configuration will create a rudder.conf file. As of this version, only
the PSK peer identification method is supported, please use the "Download File"
Policy Template to distribute the secret key.
Package management for Debian / Ubuntu / APT based systems:: Install, update or
delete packages, automatically and consistently on GNU/Linux Debian and Ubuntu.
Package management for RHEL / CentOS / RPM based systems:: Install, update or
delete packages, automatically and consistently on GNU/Linux CentOS and RedHat.
===== Distributing files
Copy a file:: Copy a file on the machine
Distribute ssh keys:: Distribute ssh keys on servers
Download a file:: Download a file for a standard URL (HTTP/FTP), and set
permissions on the downloaded file.
===== File state configuration
Set the permissions of files:: Set the permissions of files
===== System settings: Miscellaneous
Time settings:: Set up the time zone, the NTP server, and the frequency of time
synchronisation to the hardware clock. Also ensures that the NTP service is
installed and started.
===== System settings: Networking
Hosts settings:: Configure the contents of the hosts filed on any operating
system (Linux and Windows).
IPv4 routing management:: Control IPv4 routing on any system (Linux and
Windows), with four possible actions: add, delete (changes will be made), check
presence or check absence (a warning may be returned, but no changes will be
made) for a given route.
Name resolution:: Set up the IP address of the DNS server name, and the default
search domain.
NFS Server:: Configure a NFS server
===== System settings: Process
Process Management:: Enforce defined parameters on system processes
===== System settings: Remote access
OpenSSH server:: Install and set up the SSH service on Linux nodes. Many
parameters are available.
===== System settings: User management
Group management:: This Policy Template manages the target host(s) groups. It
will ensure that the defined groups are present on the system.
Sudo utility configuration:: This Policy Template configures the sudo utility.
It will ensure that the defined rights for given users and groups are correctly
User management:: Control users on any system (Linux and Windows), including
passwords, with four possible actions: add, delete (changes will be made), check
presence or check absence (a warning may be returned, but no changes will be
made) for a given user.
=== Directives
Once you have selected and organized your Techniques, you can create your
configurations in the *Configuration Management > Directives* section.
The screen is divided in three parts:
- on the left, your list of Techniques and Directives,
- on the right the description of the selected Technique or Directive.
- at the bottom, the configuration items of the selected Directive.
Click on the name of a Technique to show its description.
Click on the name of a Directive to see the Directive Summary containing the
description of the Technique its derived from, and the configuration items
of the Directive.
.Create a Directive for Name resolution
Use the Technique 'Name resolution' to create a new Directive called
+Google DNS Servers+, and shortly described as 'Use Google DNS Server'. Check in
the options 'Set nameservers' and 'Set DNS search suffix'. Set the value of the
variable 'DNS resolver' to + and of 'Domain search suffix' according to
your organization, like
=== Policy Instances
Once you have selected and organized your Policy Templates, you can create your
configurations in the *Configuration Management > Policy Instances* section.
The screen is divided in three parts:
- on the left, your list of Policy Templates and Policy Instances,
- on the right the description of the selected Policy Template or Policy
- at the bottom, the configuration items of the selected Policy Instance.
Click on the name of a Policy Template or to see its description.
Click on the name of a Policy Instance to see the Policy Summary containing the
description of the Policy Template its derived from, and the configuration items
of the Policy Instance.
.Create a Policy Instance for Name resolution
Use the Policy Template 'Name resolution' to create a new Policy Instance called
+Google DNS Servers+, and shortly described as 'Use Google DNS Server'. Check in
the options 'Set nameservers' and 'Set DNS search suffix'. Set the value of the
variable 'DNS resolver' to + and of 'Domain search suffix' according to
your organization, like
=== Configuration rules
When a Configuration Rule is created or modified, the promises for the target nodes are generated. Rudder computes all the promises each nodes must have, and makes them available for the nodes. This process can take up to several minutes, depending on the number of managed nodes and the Policy Server configuration. During this time, the "Regenerate now" button is replaced by a moving bar and a message stating "Generating configuration rules".
You can also press the "Regenerate now" button on the top of the interface if you feel the generated promises should be modified (for instance, if you changed the configuration of Rudder)
=== rules
When a Rule is created or modified, the promises for the target nodes are generated. Rudder computes all the promises each nodes must have, and makes them available for the nodes. This process can take up to several minutes, depending on the number of managed nodes and the Policy Server configuration. During this time, the "Regenerate now" button is replaced by a moving bar and a message stating "Generating rules".
You can also press the "Regenerate now" button on the top of the interface if you feel the generated promises should be modified (for instance, if you changed the configuration of Rudder)
=== Compliance
A Policy Instance contains one or multiple components. Each component generates
A Directive contains one or multiple components. Each component generates
one ore multiple reports, based on the number of keys in this component. For
example, for a Sudoers Policy Instance, each user is a key. These states are
example, for a Sudoers Directive, each user is a key. These states are
available in reports:
When a Policy Instance is applied, Rudder waits during 10 minutes for a report.
During this period, the Policy Instance is said 'Applying'.
When a Directive is applied, Rudder waits during 10 minutes for a report.
During this period, the Directive is said 'Applying'.
No answer::
The system didn't sent any reports. Rudder waited for 10 minutes and no report
was received.
A Policy Instance has gained conformity on a Node is every reports for each
A Directive has gained conformity on a Node is every reports for each
components, for each key, are in 'Success' state. This is the only condition.
Based on these facts, the compliance of a Configuration Rule is calculated like
Based on these facts, the compliance of a Rule is calculated like
this :
Number of Nodes for which conformity is reached for every Policy Instance of the
Configuration Rule / Total number of Nodes on which the Configuration Rule has
Number of Nodes for which conformity is reached for every Directive of the
Rule / Total number of Nodes on which the Rule has
been applied
==== Configure allowed networks
Here you can configure the networks from which nodes are allowed to connect to
Rudder policy server to get their updated configuration rules.
Rudder policy server to get their updated rules.
You can add as many network as you want, the expected format is:
+networkip/mask+, for example +
Why not create policies for emergency situations in advance? You can then put
your IT infrastructure in "panic" mode in just a few clicks.
For example, using the provided Policy Templates, you could create a Name
resolution policy to use your own internal DNS servers for normal situations,
and a second, alternative policy, to use Google's public DNS servers, in case
For example, using the provided Techniques, you could create a Name
resolution Directive to use your own internal DNS servers for normal situations,
and a second, alternative Directive, to use Google's public DNS servers, in case
your internal DNS servers are no longer available.
=== Standardizing configurations
Export policy library (categories, user polity templates, policy instantes).
Export policy library (categories, active techniques, directives).
Export configuration rules
Export rules
to send reports regularly to the server. Supported system log providers are:
+syslogd+, +rsyslogd+ and +syslog-ng+.
===== Apply Policy Instances
===== Apply Directives
Apply other policies and write reports locally.
. Inventory has changed;
. Policy Template has changed;
. Technique has changed;
. Policy Instance has changed;
. Directive has changed;
. Group of Node has changed;
. Configuration Rule has changed;
. Rule has changed;
. Regeneration was forced by the user.
Active Techniques::
This is an organized list of the Techniques selected and modified by the
user. By default this list is the same as the Technique Libraryy.
Techniques can be disabled or deleted, and then activated again with a
simple drag and drop. Categories can be reorganised according to the desired
taxonomy. A Technique can appear only once in the Active Techniques list.
Configuration Rule::
It is the application of a policy to a group of nodes. It is the glue between
both Asset Management and Configuration Management parts of the application.
This is an instance of a Technique, which allows to set values for the
parameters of the latter. Each Directive can have an unique name. A Directive
should be completed with a short and a long description, and a
collection of parameters for the variables defined by the Technique.
Policy Instance::
This is an instance of a Policy Template, which allows to set values for the
parameters of the latter. Each Policy Instance can have an unique name. A Policy
Instance should be completed with a short and a long description, and a
collection of parameters for the variables defined by the Policy Template.
Policy Template::
This is a configuration skeleton, adapted to a function or a particular service
(eg DNS resolver configuration). This skeleton includes the configuration logic
for this function or service, and can be set according to a list of variables
(in the same example: IP addresses of DNS servers, the default search box, ...)
Reference Policy Template Library::
This is an organized list of every available Policy Templates. This list can't
be modified: every changes made by an user will be applied to the User Policy
Template Library.
It is the application of one or more directives to a group of nodes. It is the glue between
both Asset Management and Configuration Management parts of the application.
Technique Library::
This is an organized list of every available Techniques. This list can't
be modified: every changes made by an user will be applied to the Active
This is a configuration skeleton, adapted to a function or a particular service
(eg DNS resolver configuration). This skeleton includes the configuration logic
for this function or service, and can be set according to a list of variables
(in the same example: IP addresses of DNS servers, the default search box, ...)
User Policy Template Library::
This is an organized list of the Policy Templates selected and modified by the
user. By default this list is the same as the Reference Policy Template Library.
Policy Templates can be disabled or deleted, and then activated again with a
simple drag and drop. Categories can be reorganised according to the desired
taxonomy. A Policy Template can appear only once in the Library.

Also available in: Unified diff