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Revision a55f9c60

Added by Alexis Mousset almost 7 years ago

Fixes #10671: Document more precisely the generation process

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promises for every impacted node. By default this process is launched after each
The process of policy generation:
* Use configured policies and information about the nodes to generate
the files defining the policy that reflects the desired state
* Compute and store expected reports that will be produced when executing these policies
* Check the validity of the generated policies
* Replace the old version of the policies by the new one for impacted node
* Restart the policy server on the Rudder central server is authorizations have changed
You can customize some of these actions and add new ones using the <<_server_event_hooks.html, Server Event Hooks>>.
image::./images/policy_generation.png[Status of policy generation]
==== +Update policies+ button
The button +Update policies+ on the top right of the screen, in the +Status+ menu, allows you to force
not automatically taken into account by Rudder, this feature can be useful
after some changes impacting the inventory information.
==== +Regenerate all policies+ button
The button +Regenerate all policies+ on the top right of the screen, in the +Status+ menu, allows you to force
the regeneration of all policies. It will clear all internal caches, and force a complete
computation of the policies. This is generally useful to make sure everything is correct after a problem
on the central server.

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