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Revision 7f09227c

Added by Alexis Mousset over 7 years ago

Fixes #9997: Document the relay API

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=== Rudder relay API
The `rudder-server-relay` package provides an HTTP API.
It is available on simple relays and root servers.
It is an internal API, not exposed to users, and used
to provide various Rudder features.
==== Remote Run
The remote run API is available at `https://relay/rudder/relay-api/remote-run`.
It allows triggering a run on nodes (like with the `rudder remote run` command).
===== Description
The remote run API applies to all nodes that are below the target relay server, which means:
* All nodes directly connected to the server
* All the relays that have the target node as policy server, and all nodes that are below them
In particular, it does not act on the target relay itself (except for the root server which is its own policy server).
There are different methods, whether you want to trigger all nodes, or only a part of them.
===== Security
The remote run calls are not authenticated, but restricted to:
* Local calls on the relay
* The relay's policy server
They requires allowing the policy server to connect to its nodes on port 5309.
===== Usage
This API provides the following methods:
* *POST* `/rudder/relay-api/remote-run/all`: Trigger a run on all nodes below the target relay.
* *POST* `/rudder/relay-api/remote-run/nodes/`_<node-id>_: Trigger a run on the _node-id_ node (which must be under the target relay).
* *POST* `/rudder/relay-api/remote-run/nodes` Trigger a run on the given nodes (which must be under the target relay), see the `nodes` parameter below.
The general parameters are:
* `keep_output` = *true* or *false*: Should the agent output be returned (default: *false*)
* `classes` = *class* or *class1,class2,etc.* for multiple classes: Classes to pass to the agent (default: none)
And, only for the `/rudder/relay-api/remote-run/nodes` call:
* `nodes` = *node_uuid* or *node_uuid1,node_uuid2,etc.* for multiple nodes: Nodes to trigger (default: none)
==== Shared Files
===== Description
The goal of this API is to share a file from node to node. The source nodes uses an API call to send the file,
and the destination node will get the file using the same protocol as files shared from the policy server.
The relay that receives an API call to share a file (*PUT*) will:
* share the file directly if the target nodes is one of its managed nodes.
* send the file to a sub-relay if the target is somewhere under it
* forward the file to its policy server if the target is nowhere under it
The relay that receive a *HEAD* call will:
* If the file exists, compare the provided hash with the hash of the stored file, and return the result (*true* or *false*).
* If the file does not exist, return *false*.
The ttl is stored along with the file, and a clean task will regularly run and check for outdated files to remove.
There are ncf generic method that allow easy access to those methods from the nodes.
===== Security
This call is open to all nodes in the allowed networks of the target relay.
The sent files are signed with the node's key, and the signature is checked before beeing traited.
===== Usage
This API provides the following methods:
* *PUT* `/shared-files/` _<target-uuid>_ `/` _<source-uuid>_ `/` _<file-id>_
* *HEAD* `/shared-files/` _<target-uuid>_ `/` _<source-uuid>_ `/` _<file-id>_ `?hash=` _file-hash_
The common URL parameters are:
* `target-uuid` = *destination_node_uuid*: where to send the file to
* `source-uuid` = *source_node_uuid*: who sent the file
* `file-id` = *my_file_id*: under which name to store the file, this needs to be unique
The URL parameters specific to the *HEAD* call are:
* `file-hash` = *value of the hash*: hash of the shared file
The following are only needed for the *PUT* call:
* `hash_value` = *value of the hash*: hash of the shared file
* `algorithm` = *sha1*, *sha256* or *sha512*: algorithm used to hash the file
* `digest` = **: signature of the file
* `pubkey` = **: public key
* `ttl` = **: can be a number of second or a string of the long form "1day 2hours 3minute 4seconds" or abbreviated in the form "5h 3s"
* `header` = *rudder-signature-v1*: signing format (for now, only one possible value)

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