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Revision 38127449

Added by Alexis Mousset about 6 years ago

Fixes #12175: Rename class to condition in the doc

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A generic method is a description of an elementary state independent of the operating system (ex: a package is installed, a file contains such line, etc...).
Generic methods are independent of the operating system (It has to work on any operating system).
Generic methods calls are conditioned by class expressions, which are boolean expression combining basic conditions with classic boolean operators (ex : operating system is Debian, such generic method produced a modification, did not produce any modification, produced an error, etc…)
Generic methods calls are conditioned by condition expressions, which are boolean expression combining basic conditions with classic boolean operators (ex : operating system is Debian, such generic method produced a modification, did not produce any modification, produced an error, etc…)
==== Technique Editor
- Conditions allow user to restrict the execution of the method.
. Parameters
- Parameters are in mono or multi line text format. They can contains variables which will be extended at the time of the execution.
. Result classes
- One result class of three will be defined following the execution of a generic method:
. Result conditions
- One result condition of three will be defined following the execution of a generic method:
* Success, when the configuration is correct and no action are needed
* Repaired, when the configuration is wrong and actions to fix it were executed with success
* Error, when the configuration is wrong but actions to fix it failed
Theses classes can be used in another Generic methods conditions. ie, you can execute a command if a previous one failed or was repaired.
Theses conditions can be used in another Generic methods conditions. ie, you can execute a command if a previous one failed or was repaired.
==== Create your first Technique
* Service restart (You can find it in the *Service category*)
- This method only take one parameter, the name of the service we want to restart. So here, fill in the *service_name* field with the value _ntp_.
- Also, we want to restart the service only if it has just been installed, so only if the result classes defined following the execution of *Package install* method is *Repaired* (package_install_ntp_repaired). So here, fill in the *Other CFEngine classes* field in the Conditions panel with the value _package_install_ntp_repaired_.
- Also, we want to restart the service only if it has just been installed, so only if the result conditions defined following the execution of *Package install* method is *Repaired* (package_install_ntp_repaired). So here, fill in the *Other conditions* field in the Conditions panel with the value _package_install_ntp_repaired_.
* Service ensure running (You can find it in the *Service category*)
- This method only take one parameter, the name of the service we want to check. Again, here, fill in the *service_name* field with the value _ntp_.

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