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Revision 10342619

Added by François ARMAND almost 7 years ago

Fixes #10688: Use \"-\" in place of \"_\" in named reference in doc

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== Introduction
=== What is Rudder?
image::./images/big-rudder-logo.png[Rudder logo]
=== Requirements
[[configure_the_network, Configure the network]]
=== Requirements
==== Networking
===== Mandatory flows
And this one is optional:
And this one is optional:
These flows are used to add features to Rudder:
// include::../glossary/big-red-button.txt[]
[[nodes_supported_OS, the list of supported Operating Systems for Nodes]]
[[node-supported-os, the list of supported Operating Systems for Nodes]]
==== Fully supported Operating Systems
[[Server_supported_OS, the list of supported Operating Systems for Root server]]
[[server-supported-os, the list of supported Operating Systems for Root server]]
===== For Rudder Root Server
==== Cloud compatibility
The agent provides an abstraction that permits a high level management of the infrastructure.
==== Hardware specifications for Rudder Agent
Rudder agent has a very small footprint, and only consumes:
* a few kB on the network to report
* around 100 MB of disk space for the installed files and the workspace
These figures will vary depending on your configuration (backup retention,
These figures will vary depending on your configuration (backup retention,
number of configured components to check, etc...).
==== Hardware specifications and sizing for Rudder Root Server
A dedicated server is strongly recommended, either physical or virtual with at least one dedicated core.
For large installations, you should also tune the amount of RAM given to:
* the web application, as explained in the section
<<_configure_ram_allocated_to_jetty, about webapplication RAM configuration>>
<<_configure_ram_allocated_to_jetty, about webapplication RAM configuration>>
* PostgresSQL, as explained in the <<_optimize_postgresql_server, Optimize PostgreSQL Server>> section
===== Disk
max_space = number of Directives * number of Nodes * retention duration in days * 400 kB
For example, a default installation with 500 nodes and an average of
50 Directives by node, should require between 14 GB and 38 GB of disk space for PostgreSQL.
For example, a default installation with 500 nodes and an average of
50 Directives by node, should require between 14 GB and 38 GB of disk space for PostgreSQL.
Follow the <<_reports_retention, Reports Retention>> section to configure the
retention duration.
=== Install Rudder Server
This chapter covers the installation of a Rudder Root Server, from the
specification of the underlying server, to the initial setup of the application.
Before all, you need to setup a server according to
Before all, you need to setup a server according to
<<Server_supported_OS, the server specifications>>. You should also
<<configure_the_network, configure the network>>. These topics are covered in the
Architecture chapter.
depend of the amount of data you store in it, especially in the shared-files folder (files that will get
distributed to the agents using the "Download a file for the shared folder" Technique).
Report logs (/var/log/rudder/reports) size will depend on the amount of nodes you manage.
It is possible to reduce this drastically by unticking "Log all reports received to /var/log/rudder/reports/all.log"
under the Administration - Settings tab in the Rudder web interface. This will prevent Rudder from recording this logs
=== Install Rudder Agent
=== Plugins
== Rudder extension and integration with third party software
Rudder was thought from the begining to be a good citizen in you infrastructure.
=== Extending Rudder with plugins
Rudder can be extended with Plugins so that new features or API endpoints are
=== Rudder integration in your infrastructure
The other mains way to integrate Rudder into an existing infrastructure is
a server managed by Rudder is drifting away from its expecting configuration, and
use iTop to understand the impact of such a drift for your IT services.
==== Integrate Rudder thanks to its APIs
All the above plugins are using[Rudder APIs]

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