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Revision ec30ad78

Added by François ARMAND about 7 years ago

Fixes #10191: Update datasource API now that it is a module with new endpoints

View differences:

@apiParam (URL parameters) {String} id Unique identifier of the data source.
@apiDefine nodeId
@apiParam (URL parameters) {String} id Unique identifier of a node.
@apiDefine Mono Mono valued parameters - Those parameters will only work with one value
[GET] api/datasources
"id": "test-data-source-1",
"description": "Data from",
"type": {
"name": "http",
"name": "HTTP",
"parameters": {
"url": "",
"headers": {},
"params": {},
"path": "",
"checkSsl": false,
"requestTimeout": 5,
"requestTimeout": 30,
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestMode": {
"name": "byNode"
"onNewNode": true,
"schedule": {
"type": "scheduled",
"duration": 5
"duration": 3600
"updateTimeout": 5,
"updateTimeout": 30,
"enabled": true
@apiParam (Mono) {String} name The human readable name of the data source to create.
@apiParam (Mono) {String} description Description of the goal of the data source to create.
@apiParam (Mono) {Boolean} enabled Enable or disable data source.
@apiParam (Mono) {Int} updateTimeout Duration in minute before aborting data source update. The main goal is to prevent never ending requests. If a periodicity if configured, you should set that timeout at a lower value.
@apiParam (Mono) {Int} updateTimeout Duration in seconds before aborting data source update. The main goal is to prevent never ending requests. If a periodicity if configured, you should set that timeout at a lower value.
@apiParam (Mono) {JSON} runParameters Parameters to configure when the data source is fetched to update node properties. See below for details.
@apiParam (Mono) {Boolean} runParameters.onGeneration Trigger a fetch at the begining of a policy generation
@apiParam (Mono) {Boolean} runParameters.onNewNode Trigger a fetch when a new node is accepted, for that node
@apiParam (Mono) {String=
"notscheduled"} runParameters.schedule.type "scheduled": enable periodic update; "notscheduled": disable them
@apiParam (Mono) {Int} runParameters.schedule.duration duration in minutes between the end of an update, and the start of the following.
@apiParam (Mono) {Int} runParameters.schedule.duration duration in seconds between the end of an update, and the start of the following.
@apiParam (Mono) {JSON} type Define and configure data source type. For now, only "http" data source is supported. See below for its Configuration
@apiParam (Mono) {String="http"} Data source type name. Only "http" is supported for now.
@apiParam (Mono) {String="HTTP"} Data source type name. Only "http" is supported for now.
@apiParam (Mono) {JSON} type.parameters Data source type specific parameters. See below for HTTP data source parameters.
@apiParam (HTTP) {String} url URL to contact. Rudder expansion available.
@apiParam (HTTP) {String="GET","POST"} requestMethod HTTP method to use to contact the URL.
@apiParam (HTTP) {JSON} headers A JSON object of "header-key":"header-value" to add to the query. Rudder expansion available in value.
@apiParam (HTTP) {JSON} headers Represent HTTP headers for the query. JSON array of {"name":"xxx","value":"yyy"}. Rudder expansion available.
@apiParam (HTTP) {JSON} headers Represent HTTP parameters for the query. JSON array of {"name":"xxx","value":"yyy"}. Rudder expansion available.
@apiParam (HTTP) {String} path JSON path (as defined in, without the leading "$.") to find the interesting
sub-json or string/number/boolean value in the answer. Let empty to use the whole answer as value.
@apiParam (HTTP) {Boolean} checkSsl Check SSL certificate validity for https. Must be set to false for self-signed certificate
@apiParam (HTTP) {Int} requestTimeout Timeout in minute for each HTTP request
@apiParam (HTTP) {Int} requestTimeout Timeout in seconds for each HTTP request
@apiParam (HTTP) {JSON} requestMode Configure the strategy used to query the HTTP data source. For now, only a node by node strategy is available (see below)
@apiParam (HTTP) {String="byNode"} Name of the strategy to use. For now, only available is "byNode": make one request for each node
"id": "test-data-source-2",
"description": "Data from",
"type": {
"name": "http",
"name": "HTTP",
"parameters": {
"url": "",
"headers": {},
"path": "",
"checkSsl": false,
"requestTimeout": 5,
"requestTimeout": 30,
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestMode": {
"name": "byNode"
"onNewNode": true,
"schedule": {
"type": "scheduled",
"duration": 5
"duration": 3600
"updateTimeout": 5,
"updateTimeout": 30,
"enabled": true
"id": "test-data-source-2",
"description": "Data from",
"type": {
"name": "http",
"name": "HTTP",
"parameters": {
"url": "",
"headers": {},
"path": "",
"checkSsl": false,
"requestTimeout": 5,
"requestTimeout": 30,
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestMode": {
"name": "byNode"
"onNewNode": true,
"schedule": {
"type": "scheduled",
"duration": 5
"duration": 3600
"updateTimeout": 5,
"updateTimeout": 30,
"enabled": true
@apiUse datasourceId
@apiParam (POSTseePUT) {String} AllParameters See above.
@apiParam (POSTseePUT) {String} AllParameters See above.
@apiExample Example usage:
"id": "test-data-source-1",
"description": "This data source is temporarly no more used and so disabled",
"type": {
"name": "http",
"name": "HTTP",
"parameters": {
"url": "",
"headers": {},
"path": "",
"checkSsl": false,
"requestTimeout": 5,
"requestTimeout": 30,
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestMode": {
"name": "byNode"
"onNewNode": true,
"schedule": {
"type": "scheduled",
"duration": 5
"duration": 3600
"updateTimeout": 5,
"updateTimeout": 30,
"enabled": false
[DELETE] api/datasources/{id}
@api {delete} /api/datasources/{id} 5. Delete a Directive
@apiVersion 9.0.0
@apiName deleteDirective
@apiGroup DataSources
@api {delete} /api/datasources/{id} 5. Delete a DataSources
@apiVersion 9.0.0
@apiName deleteDataSource
@apiGroup DataSources
@apiUse directiveId
@apiUse datasourceId
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -X DELETE
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -X DELETE
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
"action": "getDataSource",
"result": "success",
[POST] api/datasources/reload
@api {post} /api/datasources/reload 6. Update properties from data source - all nodes
@apiVersion 4.0.0
@apiName fetchDataAllNodes
@apiGroup DataSources
@apiDescription This API allows to trigger the update of properties coming from
data sources for all nodes. The call is asynchrone.
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken"
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"action": "fetchDataAllNodes",
"result": "success",
"data": "Data for all nodes, for all configured data sources are going to be updated"
[POST] api/datasources/reload/{datasourceId}
@api {post} api/datasources/reload/{datasourceId} 7. Update properties from data source with ID ${datasourceId} - all nodes
@apiVersion 9.0.0
@apiName fetchDataAllNodes
@apiGroup DataSources
@apiUse datasourceId
@apiDescription This API allows to trigger the update of properties coming from
data sources for all nodes. The call is asynchrone.
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken"
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"action": "fetchDataAllNodes",
"result": "success",
"data": "Data for all nodes, for all configured data sources are going to be updated"
[POST] api/datasources/reload/nodes/{nodeId}
@api {post} /api/nodes/{id}/fetchData 8. Update properties from data source - node with ID ${nodeId}
@apiVersion 9.0.0
@apiName fetchDataOneNode
@apiGroup DataSources
@apiUse nodeId
@apiDescription This API allows to trigger the update of properties coming from
data sources for that node. The call is asynchrone.
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -X POST
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"action": "fetchDataOneNode",
"result": "success",
"data": "Data for node 'nodeID', for all configured data sources, is going to be updated"
[POST] api/datasources/reload/{datasourceId}/nodes/{nodeId}
@api {post} /api/nodes/{id}/fetchData 9. Update properties from data source ${datasourceId} - node ${nodeId}
@apiVersion 9.0.0
@apiName fetchDataOneNode
@apiGroup DataSources
@apiUse datasourceId
@apiUse nodeId
@apiDescription This API allows to trigger the update of properties coming from
data source with ID ${datasourceId} for that node. The call is asynchrone.
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -X POST
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"action": "fetchDataOneNode",
"result": "success",
"data": "Data for node 'nodeID', for all configured data sources, is going to be updated"
== [POST] api/nodes/fetchData
@api {get} /api/nodes/{id} 3. Update properties from data source - all nodes
@apiVersion 4.0.0
@apiName fetchDataAllNodes
@apiGroup Nodes
@apiDescription This API allows to trigger the update of properties coming from
data sources for all nodes. The call is asynchrone.
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken"
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"action": "fetchDataAllNodes",
"result": "success",
"data": "Data for all nodes, for all configured data sources are going to be updated"
== [GET] api/nodes/{id}
{ "name": "env_type" , "value": "production" },
{ "name": "shell" , "value": "/bin/sh" },
{ "name": "utf-8 poetry", "value": "ᚠᛇᚻ᛫ᛒᛦᚦ᛫ᚠᚱᚩᚠᚢᚱ᛫ᚠᛁᚱᚪ᛫ᚷᛖᚻᚹᛦᛚᚳᚢᛗ" }
, "policyMode" : "audit"
== [POST] api/nodes/{id}/fetchData
@api {post} /api/nodes/{id}/fetchData 8. Update properties from data source - one node
@apiVersion 9.0.0
@apiName fetchDataOneNode
@apiGroup Nodes
@apiUse nodeId
@apiDescription This API allows to trigger the update of properties coming from
data sources for that node. The call is asynchrone.
@apiExample Example usage:
curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -X POST
@apiSuccessExample Success-Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"action": "fetchDataOneNode",
"result": "success",
"data": "Data for node 'nodeID', for all configured data sources, is going to be updated"

Also available in: Unified diff