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Revision 3326d01f

Added by Benoît PECCATTE almost 7 years ago

Fixes #10601: If component value starts with # , report is not outputed by rudder agent output

View differences:

FS = "@#";
nf_report = 0;
is_report = 0;
broken_reports = 0;
is_report = 0;
if (NF > 1) {
# $1 is the report, the rest is the message
# split the first part of the report
nf_report = split($1, r, "##|@@");
n = split($0, r, /@@/);
if (n) {
# 1 is R:
technique = r[2];
state = r[3];
# 4 is rule ID
directiveid = r[5];
# 6 is generation
component = r[7];
key = r[8];
directiveid = r[5];
# take the rest
rest = "";
for(i=9;i<=n;i++) {
rest = rest "@@" r[i];
if (match(rest, /##/)) { # match the first ##
# date then rest
rest = substr(rest,RSTART+RLENGTH)
if (match(rest, /@#/)) { # match the first @#
# node id then message
message = substr(rest,RSTART+RLENGTH)
# line has been parsed as a valid report
is_report = 1;
if (directive_array[directiveid] != 1) {
directive_array[directiveid] = 1;
# the rest is the message
message = substr($0, length($1) + 3);
if (nf_report == 10 && match(r[1], /.*R: $/)) {
# line has been parsed as a valid report
is_report = 1;
if (summary_only) {
# Parse hostname
if (match($1, /.*> ->/)) {
hostname=substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH-4);
if (match($0, /.*> ->/)) {
hostname=substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH-4);
#### 2/ Parse start and end of the run

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