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Revision 68e25fbf

Added by François ARMAND almost 7 years ago

Fixes #11055: Rudder can't start anymore because does not find configuration-repository techniques category in git

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private final case class NoRootCategory(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
private[this] var currentTechniquesInfoCache : TechniquesInfo = {
try {
} catch {
case NoRootCategory(msg) =>
logger.error(s"The stored Git revision does not provide a root category.xml, which is mandatory. Error message was: ${msg}")
val newRevTreeId = revisionProvider.getAvailableRevTreeId
if(newRevTreeId != revisionProvider.currentRevTreeId) {
logger.error(s"Trying to load last available revision of the technique library to unstuck the situation.")
} else {
sys.error("Please add a root category.xml and commit it before restarting Rudder.")
case e:MissingObjectException => //ah, that commit is not know on our repos
logger.error("The stored Git revision for the last version of the known Technique Library was not found in the local Git repository. " +
"That may happen if a commit was reverted, the Git repository was deleted and created again, or if LDAP datas where corrupted. Loading the last available Techique library version.")
var root = maybeCategories.get(RootTechniqueCategoryId) match {
case None =>
sys.error("Missing techniques root category in Git, expecting category descriptor for Git path: '%s'".format(
repo.db.getWorkTree.getPath + "/" + _ + "/" + categoryDescriptorName).getOrElse("")))
val path = repo.db.getWorkTree.getPath + "/" + _ + "/" + categoryDescriptorName).getOrElse("")
throw new NoRootCategory(s"Missing techniques root category in Git, expecting category descriptor for Git path: '${path}'")
case Some(sub:SubTechniqueCategory) =>
logger.error("Bad type for root category in the Technique Library. Please check the hierarchy of categories")
sys.error("Bad type for root category, found: " + sub)
throw new NoRootCategory(s"Bad type for root category in the Technique Library, found: '${sub}'. Please check the hierarchy of categories")
case Some(r:RootTechniqueCategory) => r
//update subcategories
techniqueInfos.subCategories.toSeq.foreach {

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