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Revision 4b2f07d0

Added by Nicolas CHARLES over 9 years ago

Fixes #5389: define, before calling a ncf technique, which technique we'll do the reportig on

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* @return
private[this] def prepareBundleVars(container: Cf3PolicyDraftContainer) : Map[String,Variable] = {
logger.trace("Preparing bundle list and input list for container : %s ".format(container))
val inputs = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[String]() // all the include file
for {
tml <- policies.flatMap(p => p.templates)
} {
// files += Cf3PromisesFileTemplateCopyInfo(, tml.outPath)
if (tml.included) inputs += tml.outPath
// Compute the correct bundlesequence
// ncf technique must call before-hand a bundle to register which ncf technique is being called
// so we must keep an ordered bundle list, and have two specific bundlesequence
val NCF_REPORT_DEFINITION_BUNDLE_NAME = "current_technique_report_info"
val (ncfTechniques, techniques) = policies.partition(_.providesExpectedReports)
val ncfBundleSeqName = ncfTechniques.flatMap(x => =>
// We mustn't quote the call NCF_REPORT_DEFINITION_BUNDLE_NAME, otherwise CFEngine will assume it refers to the complete string (with parens)
val ncfBundleSeq = => s"${NCF_REPORT_DEFINITION_BUNDLE_NAME}(${name}), ${name}").mkString(", ")
val nonNcfBundleSeq = techniques.flatMap(x => =>", \"", "\", \"", "\"")
Map[String, Variable](
// Add the built in values for the files to be included and the bundle to be executed
(, variable)
, {
val bundleSet = policies.flatMap(x => =>
val variable = SystemVariable(systemVariableSpecService.get("BUNDLELIST"), Seq(bundleSet.mkString(", \"", "\",\"", "\"")))
// if(value.length == 0) variable.saveValue(value)
// else variable.saveValue(", " + value)
val variable = SystemVariable(systemVariableSpecService.get("BUNDLELIST"), Seq(nonNcfBundleSeq + ", " + ncfBundleSeq))
(, variable)

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