


Architecture #11858

Updated by BenoƮt PECCATTE over 6 years ago

We would like to have some cfengine code shared between more than one version of a technique. 

 For example we would have 3 versions of technique A : 
 * A/v1/ 
 * A/v1/ 
 * A/v2/ 
 * A/v2/ 
 * A/v3/ 
 * A/v3/ 

 If both v1 and v2 are used, the generator would use    :  
 * A/v1/ 
 * A/v2/ 
 * A/v2/ 

 To generate the final content. 
 We would need something in the metadata.xml to indicate this shared code, and which versions are compatible, and if the common code must be run before of after the version specific code. compatible.
