

Execute a command

Compatible with nodes running Rudder 3.1 or higher.


  • command_name: Command name

Classes defined

command_execution_${command_name}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Execute a command and create outcome classes depending on its exit code

Compatible with nodes running Rudder 3.1 or higher.


Execute a command and create outcome classes depending on the exit codes given in parameters. If an exit code is not in the list it will lead to an error status. If you want 0 to be a success you have to list it in the kept_codes list


  • command: The command to run
  • kept_codes: List of codes that produce a kept status separated with commas (ex: 1,2,5)
  • repaired_codes: List of codes that produce a repaired status separated with commas (ex: 3,4,6)

Classes defined

command_execution_result_${command}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}