Configuration management concepts

We adopted the following terms to describe the configurations in Rudder:

This is a configuration skeleton, adapted to a function or a particular service (e.g. DNS resolver configuration). This skeleton includes the configuration logic for this function or service, and can be set according to a list of variables (in the same example: IP addresses of DNS servers, the default search box, …)
This is an instance of a Technique, which allows to set values for the parameters of the latter. Each Directive can have a unique name. A Directive should be completed with a short and a long description, and a collection of parameters for the variables defined by the Technique.
It is the application of one or more directives to a group of nodes. It is the glue between both Asset Management and Configuration Management parts of the application.
Applied Policy
This is the result of the conversion of a Policy Instance into a set of CFEngine Promises for a particular Node.

As illustrated in this summary diagram, the rules are linking the functions of inventory management and configuration management.

Figure 1. Concepts diagram
