Variable remplacement

Note : Rudder use a StringTemplate grammar slighlty different from the default one. Rather than using "$" as a variable identifier, the Techniques use "&" to avoid collision with the CFEngine variables

Single-valued variable remplacement

  • Will be remplaced by the value of the variable UUID

Remplacement of variable with one or more values

&DNS_RESOLVERS: { "&it&" };separator=", "&
  • Will be remplaced by "", ""
  • Here, &it& is an alias for the current item in the list (with no confusion, because there is only one variable)
maproot => { host2ip("&host&"), escape("&host&") },
admit => { host2ip("&host&"), escape("&host&") };

} &
  • host is an alias for the current value of POLICYCHILDREN
  • uuid is an alias for the current value of CHILDRENID
  • Both item are iterated at the same time, so both list must have the same length

Remplacement of variable with one or more value, and writing an index all along

&FILE_AND_FOLDER_MANAGEMENT_PATH:{path |"file[&i&][path]" string => "&path&";
  • i is an iterator, starting at 1

The result would be:

"file[1][path]" string => "/var";
"file[2][path]" string => "/bin";

Conditionnal writing of a section




The variable must either be:

  • A boolean: If its value is true, then the section will be displayed
  • A variable with the parameter MAYBEEMPTY="true": If the value is not set, then the section won’t be displayed, otherwise it will be displayed

More information can be found here: