Quick Search

The easiest search tool is the Quick search: type in the search field the first letters of the Rudder ID, Reference, or Hostname; choose the accurate Node in the autocompletion list; validate and look at the Node information. This search tool can be very useful to help you create a new search in the Advanced Search.

Example 2. Quick search the Node called debian-node

Assuming you have one managed Node called debian-node.rudder-project.org, which ID in Rudder is d06b1c6c-f59b-4e5e-8049-d55f769ac33f.

  1. Type in the Quick Search field the de or d0.
  2. Autocompletion will propose you this Node: debian-node.rudder-project.org — d06b1c6c-f59b-4e5e-8049-d55f769ac33f [d06b1c6c-f59b-4e5e-8049-d55f769ac33f].