

Checks status of an HTTP URL

Compatible with nodes running Rudder 2.11 or higher.


Perform a HTTP request on the URL, method and headers provided and check that the response has the expected status code (ie 200, 404, 503, etc)


  • method: Method to call the URL (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • url: URL to query
  • expected_status: Expected status code of the HTTP response
  • headers: Headers to include in the HTTP request (as a string, without ')

Classes defined

http_request_check_status_headers_${url}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}


Make an HTTP request with a specific header

Compatible with nodes running Rudder 2.11 or higher.


Perform a HTTP request on the URL, method and headers provided and send the content provided. Will return an error if the request failed.


  • method: Method to call the URL (POST, PUT)
  • url: URL to send content to
  • content: Content to send
  • headers: Headers to include in the HTTP request

Classes defined

http_content_headers_${url}_{kept, repaired, not_ok, reached}