Following commands are executed as the root user.

Add the Rudder packages repository:

  • With zypper on a SLES 11 system:
zypper ar -n "Rudder RPM Repositories" \
http://www.rudder-project.org/rpm-2.11/SLES_11_SP1/ Rudder
  • With zypper on a SLES 10 system:
zypper sa "http://www.rudder-project.org/rpm-2.11/SLES_10_SP3/" Rudder

Update your local package database to retrieve the list of packages available on our repository:

zypper ref

For Rudder Server, upgrade all the packages associated to rudder-server-root:

zypper update "rudder-*" "ncf*"

and after the upgrade of these packages, restart jetty to apply the changes on the Web application:

service rudder-jetty restart

For Rudder Agent, upgrade the rudder-agent package:

zypper update rudder-agent

You can now upgrade your local techniques.