#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Rudder development tool. You need a configuration file, if you don't have one, the tool will create one for you at first run. Usage: rudder-dev -h|--help rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] clone [--fork] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] pull [] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] branch [--base=] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] quickfix [|] [--merge] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] technique rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] subtask [|--bug] [--base=] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] wip rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] commit [--nopr| []] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] amend [] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] fixup [] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] rebase [--base=] [] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] retarget [] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] takeover rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] revert [--retarget] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] merge all [(-s )] [-a|--automatic] [-t|--test] [-n|--no-qa-test] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] merge [(-s )] [-a|--automatic] [-t|--test] [-n|--no-qa-test] [--no-autosquash] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] merge [(-s )] [-a|--automatic] [-t|--test] [-n|--no-qa-test] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] merge [(-s )] [-a|--automatic] [-t|--test] [-n|--no-qa-test] [--no-autosquash] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] find rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] cleanup [--more] [-n|--dry-run] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] update rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] blame [--before=] [--changed-after=] [--long] rudder-dev [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] [] [--base=] SMART is a shortcut for other commands - if it is a number > 100, it is guessed to be a ticket_id -> branch - if it is a x.y or master, it is guessed to be a branch -> pull - if it is a caps TLA, it is guessed to be a trigraph -> commit -u - if it is '-', checkout the last branch we where working on CLONE Call it when you want to work on a new repository. - fork the repository from Normation if --fork is given - clone it - setup both remote repository in git ex: rudder-dev clone rudder-techniques PULL Call it to make sure you are on a branch and up to date. - create the branch with remote tracking if it doesn't exist - checkout the branch if specified - update the current branch ex: rudder-dev pull 3.0 ex: rudder-dev pull master BRANCH Call it before working on a bug. - if the branch already exist, just checkout it - find and check the ticket from redmine - create a branch with the proper name in your repository - set the ticket status to "in progress" - if --base is given, use the PR from the base ticket as the origin branch - --base can also be a local branch name ex: rudder-dev branch 1234 ex: rudder-dev branch '#1234' --base 1233 QUICKFIX Call it when you or someone made a quick fix. If a quick fix PR is already opened: - open an issue of type bug with subject - takeover existing PR - close existing PR and link the new one - merge if needed If the fix is in a local file: - check that the diff is small - find the first branch having the problem - open an issue of type bug with subject - call rudder-dev branch on the issue - patch the file - commit with git - call rudder dev commit ex: rudder-dev quickfix README "Typo in readme" ex: rudder-dev quickfix https://github.com/Normation/ncf/pull/486 --merge TECHNIQUE Call it after branching and before working on a new technique version. You must be in the technique directory containing all technique versions. - create a new version of a technique based on the last known version - add the comment to the changelog - create a commit for this new version ex: cd techniques/applications/apacheServer rudder-dev technique 4.0 "Add a new option" SUBTASK Call it after committing a patch and you want a different patch on the next version. Or if you want to extend a feature from one branch in a new branch. Or if just discovered a bug in a PR that was just merdged. For example, after a ncf v0.x patch you want to amend it in ncf v1. - create a new ticket that is the child copy of the current one (set its tracker to Bug if --bug) - set the new ticket version to next_version (but not with --bug) - replace the issue's title if needed (if the new title starts with '+', extend the existing title) - call rudder-dev branch on the new ticket with a base branch from the old ticket - suggest modifications for logs in the modified files (ncf v1 specific) ex: rudder-dev sub WIP Commit a work in progress to keep it for later. Later call to rudder-dev commit will merge wip with the final commit. - commit with a sample "Work in progress" message - push on matching branch on own repository ex: rudder-dev wip COMMIT Call it after working on a branch. - fork the repository if it has not yet been forked - if no file is indexed by git, call git add -u - commit current work - push the branch to your github repository - stop if --nopr is given - make a pull-request to Normation's repository - update the coresponding bug with those informations ex: rudder-dev commit BPF "@reviewer please tell me it's good" ex: rudder-dev commit AMEND Call it after you made a change to a branch with a PR (deprecated). - if no file is indexed by git, call git add -u - commit current work amending last commit - push the branch to your github repository - add a comment to the PR to signal the change ex: rudder-dev amend "@reviewer pr updated" FIXUP Call it after you made a change to a branch with a PR. - if no file is indexed by git, call git add -u - commit current work creating a "fixup" commit - push the branch to your github repository - add a comment to the PR to signal the change ex: rudder-dev fixup "@reviewer pr updated" REBASE Call it when a PR is not mergeable anymore. - interactive rebase on NRM branch - if rebase has worked, push to OWN - add a comment to the PR to signal the change - if --base is given, use the PR from the base ticket as the origin branch - --base can also be a local branch name ex: rudder-dev rebase "@reviewer pr updated" ex: rudder-dev rebase --base 1234 RETARGET Call it when you started on the wrong version, to change the base branch. - if a version is provided, update the ticket with it - if the ticket's version has changed, continue - rebase to ticket's NRM branch - close current PR - create new PR - update ticket ex: rudder-dev retarget TAKEOVER Call it when someone else has started a work you want to continue. - if the ticket has no pull-request, abandon - checkout upstream branch into local repository - rename it if needed - update the ticket's status ex: rudder-dev takeover 1234 REVERT Call it when a PR has been merged but you don't want it. - If the ticket has no pull-request, abandon - If retarget, ensure we have everything merged - Find merge commit of pull request - Revert pull request merge commit - if retarget, merge it to next branch with ours strategy (keep changes in next branch) ex: rudder-dev revert 1234 MERGE Call it when you want to merge different branches (needs commit rights) or when you want to merge a Pull-Request. "merge all" and "merge " are only valid within Rudder versioned repositories. Use --automatic to automatically validate merge comment. There is a special strategy call upto_XXX where XXX is a version number. When we reach this version, use -s ours to avoid upmerging to later branches. - detect the ticket id from current branch if there is no parameter - checkout an pull last version or the PR branch for a given ticket - automatically fixup commits on the PR branch unless --no-autosquash is provided - checkout an pull new version - merge both - push result to Normation's repository - if we are merging a ticket or 'all', continue merging to next version If the merge fails, please make adjustments, commit and rerun this command. ex: rudder-dev merge 3.0 master ex: rudder-dev merge all ex: rudder-dev merge 1234 ex: rudder-dev merge https://github.com/Normation/ncf/pull/388 -s upto_3.1 FIND Call it to search thing within active branches. - for each branch version - checkout branch - run command - find when it returns 0 ex: rudder-dev find 'grep bugfix path/file.cf' CLEANUP Call it when your local repository becomes messy. - for each branch in local repository - if ticket is closed - if branch's commit are pushed upstream - remove local and remote branch With --more, include more branch that are not strictly clean, such as closed tickets that have un unmerged commits are asked to the user. ex: git cleanup UPDATE Call it when you want the last version of rudder-dev. - download last version from https://repository.rudder.io/tools/rudder-dev - replace current rudder-dev with it - use sudo if needed BLAME Call it to find when a line has been modified - run git blame on the file - reformat output to be shorter and add redmine issue id - stop before a specific commit with --before - add issue description if --long is provided - find lines changed after a commit id with --changed-after (useful to find deleted lines) - changed after and before are incompatible Options: -b, --base= Use ticket PR as the ne work base """ from operator import ge import sys import os import re import string import locale import time import json from pprint import pprint from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import requests # apt-get install python-requests || pip install requests import docopt # apt-get install python-docopt || pip install docopt # Fake imports are a solution to make the source be a valid python file # whereas the script need to stay a single file. # We just replace the import at build time with the corresponding file content. # Please note that current code won't work properly with real import # but it could be interesting (or not). import os import re from subprocess import Popen,PIPE from pprint import pprint try: import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() except ImportError: import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() class Config: """Pseudo class used to share global configuration""" # Other values are read from this file by read_configuration() CONFIG_FILE = "~/.rudder-dev" # Default error template (needed by config file parsing) ERROR_TPL = "\033[1;31m{}\033[0m" # Default force mode (needed because not necessary set) force = False # Common config QA_TEST = "qa-test" # Cache file where we put temporary data CACHE_FILE = "~/.rudder-dev.cache" ### ### Internal functions ### # Run a command in a shell like a script would do # And inform the user of its execution def shell(command, comment=None, keep_output=False, fail_exit=True, keep_error=False): if comment is not None and (Config.LOGLEVEL == "debug" or Config.LOGLEVEL == "info"): print(comment) print(" $ " + command) if keep_output or keep_error: if keep_output: keep_out = PIPE else: keep_out = None if keep_error: keep_err = PIPE else: keep_err = None # contrary to python doc, environment is not inherited by default env = os.environ.copy() process = Popen(command, stdout=keep_out, stderr=keep_err, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, env=env) output, error = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() else: # keep tty management and thus colors process = Popen(command, shell=True) retcode = process.wait() output = None error = None if fail_exit and retcode != 0: if (comment is None and Config.LOGLEVEL == "info") or (Config.LOGLEVEL == "debug"): print(command) if Config.LOGLEVEL == "debug" and output is not None: print(">" + output) if (Config.LOGLEVEL == "debug" or Config.LOGLEVEL == "info") and error is not None: print(error) logfail("*** COMMAND ERROR " + str(retcode)) if not Config.force: exit(1) if not fail_exit: return (retcode, output, error) else: return output def logfail(message): print(Config.ERROR_TPL.format(message)) # Read rudder configuration from ~/.rudder-dev or create a template if none found def read_configuration(section=None): # Detect missing configuration if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(Config.CONFIG_FILE)): with open(os.path.expanduser(Config.CONFIG_FILE), 'a') as cfile: cfile.write("""[default] ## Uncomment and set your own values ## Your preferred name for Normation upstream repository on your local git (NRM, origin, ...) #nrm_upstream = NRM ## Your preferred name for personal upstream repository on your local git (ABC, origin, ...) #own_upstream = ## If github cli is installed, rudder-dev will read hub's configuration file to get the user's github token ## Otherwise, yo manage your tokens, click here https://github.com/settings/tokens (click "Generate new token") # github_token = ## Redmine personal access token, get yours here http://www.rudder-project.org/redmine/my/account (under "API access key") #redmine_token = ## For Normation people only #redmine_alt_token = ## Set to 'https' if you don't have ssh access to github, 'ssh' is the default #remote_protocol = ssh ## For colorblind or dumb terminal change ansicode here (ref: http://pueblo.sourceforge.net/doc/manual/ansi_color_codes.html) ## Do no forget to add keeep {} to have the text content #error_tpl = \\033[1;31m{}\\033[0m """) print(Config.CONFIG_FILE + " doesn't exist !") logfail("I made a sample one, please fill it") exit(5) # Read ERROR_TPL first since it can be used just after Config.ERROR_TPL = get_config("error_tpl", None, section) if Config.ERROR_TPL is None: Config.ERROR_TPL = "\\033[1;31m{}\\033[0m" # replace \\Oxx characters by their octal equivalent Config.ERROR_TPL = re.sub(r'(\\0\d+)', lambda x: chr(int(x.group(0)[1:],8)), Config.ERROR_TPL) # Read configuration config.read(os.path.expanduser(Config.CONFIG_FILE)) Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY = get_config("nrm_upstream", "No 'nrm_upstream' entry in " + Config.CONFIG_FILE, section) Config.OWN_REPOSITORY = get_config("own_upstream", "No 'own_upstream' entry in " + Config.CONFIG_FILE, section) Config.GITHUB_TOKEN = get_config("github_token", None, section) Config.REDMINE_TOKEN = get_config("redmine_token", None, section) Config.REDMINE_ALT_TOKEN = get_config("redmine_alt_token", None, section) Config.REMOTE_PROTOCOL = get_config("remote_protocol", None, section) if Config.REMOTE_PROTOCOL is None: Config.REMOTE_PROTOCOL = "ssh" Config.LOGLEVEL = get_config("loglevel", None, section) # verbose, info, error if Config.LOGLEVEL is None: Config.LOGLEVEL = "info" def get_config(item, error, section): """ Get a configuration item from current configuration file """ try: # try [section] first if section is not None: try: return config.get(section, item) except: pass # use [default] otherwise return config.get("default", item) except: if error is None: return None else: logfail(error) exit(5) def get_cache_info(key, subkey = None): """ Get a value from the cache file """ data = {} filename = os.path.expanduser(Config.CACHE_FILE) if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None with open(filename) as fd: data = json.load(fd) if not key in data: return None if subkey is None: return data[key] if subkey not in data[key]: return None return data[key][subkey] def set_cache_info(key, value, subkey=None): """ Set a value into the cache file """ filename = os.path.expanduser(Config.CACHE_FILE) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename) as fd: data = json.load(fd) else: data = { } if subkey is None: data[key] = value else: if key not in data: data[key] = { } data[key][subkey] = value with open(filename, "w") as fd: json.dump(data, fd) import json import re import requests # apt-get install python-requests || pip install requests from dateutil.parser import parse # trick to make fake import compatible with regular import if 'Config' not in vars(): from common import * Config.HUB_CONFIG_FILE = "~/.config/hub" Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL = "Ready for merge" Config.PR_VALIDATED_COLOR = "0e8a16" Config.BOT_CANNOT_MERGE_LABEL = "qa: Can't merge" Config.BOT_CANNOT_MERGE_COLOR = "ededed" Config.PR_TOO_OLD_LABEL = "Very old PR" Config.PR_TOO_OLD_COLOR = "d93f0b" class PR: """A Pull Request""" def __init__(self, url): self.url = url self.info = None match = re.search(r'.*?://.*?/(.*?)/(.*?)/pull/(\d+)', url) if match: self.id = match.group(3) self.repo_name = match.group(2) self.upstream = match.group(1) else: raise ValueError("BUG: not a valid PR URL") def is_labeled(self, label): """Tell if the pull request is labeled with label""" url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/labels" label_list = github_request(url, None, self.url, repo=self.repo_name) labels = [x['name'] for x in label_list] return label in labels def _request_pr(self): if self.info is not None: return url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}" self.info = github_request(url, None, self.url, repo=self.repo_name) def repo(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['head']['repo']['ssh_url'] def remote_branch(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['head']['ref'] def base_branch(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['base']['ref'] def author(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['user']['login'] def title(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['title'] def sha(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['head']['sha'] def mergeable(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['mergeable'] def draft(self): self._request_pr() return self.info['draft'] def _commits(self): self._request_pr() self.commits = github_call(self.info['commits_url']) def commits_titles(self): self._commits() return [ x['commit']['message'] for x in self.commits ] def comment(self, comment): url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/comments" data = { "body": comment } github_request(url, "Posting comment", self.url, json.dumps(data), repo=self.repo_name) def label(self, label): url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/labels" data = [ label ] github_request(url, "Changing label", self.url, json.dumps(data), repo=self.repo_name) def unlabel(self, label): # We need to check if the label exists before removing it get_labels_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/labels" existing_labels = github_request(get_labels_url, "Getting labels", self.url, None, self.repo_name, "GET") if label in [ lab["name"] for lab in existing_labels]: remove_label_url = get_labels_url+"/"+label github_request(remove_label_url, "Removing label", self.url, None, self.repo_name, "DELETE") def close(self, message=None): if message is not None: self.comment(message) url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}" data = { "state": "closed" } github_request(url, "Closing PR", self.url, json.dumps(data), self.repo_name, "PATCH") # comments can be issue comments or review comments def get_comments(self): comments = [] # Issue comments url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/comments" icomments = github_request(url, None, self.url, repo=self.repo_name) for c in icomments: comments.append({ "date": parse(c['updated_at'], ignoretz=True), "author": c['user']['login'], "body": c['body'], }) # Review comments url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}/reviews" pcomments = github_request(url, None, self.url, repo=self.repo_name) for c in pcomments: comments.append({ "date": parse(c['submitted_at'], ignoretz=True), "author": c['user']['login'], "body": c['body'], }) return comments def set_reviewer(self, reviewer): url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}/requested_reviewers" data = { "reviewers": [ reviewer ] } github_request(url, "Setting reviewer on github to "+reviewer, self.url, repo=self.repo_name, post_data=json.dumps(data)) def review_approval(self): """ Returns True (approved), False (not approved) or None (no review) """ # list reviews of this PR (always in chronological order) url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}/reviews" data = github_request(url, "Getting review status", self.url, repo=self.repo_name) status = {} for review in data: # for each reviewer, get the last status given and filter out comments if review['state'] == "APPROVED": status[review['user']['login']] = True if review['state'] == "REQUEST_CHANGES" or review['state'] == "CHANGES_REQUESTED": status[review['user']['login']] = False # Skip PR without review if len(status) == 0: return None return not (False in status.values()) def tests_passed(self): """ Tests if a pull request tests are finished and successful """ # status are stored by reference, use latest commit in PR url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/commits/{sha}/status" data = github_request(url, "Getting latest commit status", self.url, sha=self.sha(), repo=self.repo_name) state = data['state'] # when 0, means no tests are actually pending nb_tests = len(data['statuses']) if nb_tests == 0: return True else: # other cases are pending or failed return state == "success" # Get github user as used by the hub command def get_github_user(): user_data=github_call("https://api.github.com/user") if 'login' in user_data: return user_data['login'] else: logfail("Github user not found") exit(6) # Get github token as used by the hub command def get_github_token(can_fail=False): if Config.GITHUB_TOKEN is not None: return Config.GITHUB_TOKEN if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(Config.HUB_CONFIG_FILE)): with open(os.path.expanduser(Config.HUB_CONFIG_FILE)) as f: for line in f: match = re.search(r'oauth_token: (\w+)', line) if match: return match.group(1) if can_fail: return None else: logfail("Github user not found") exit(6) # query github def github_request(api_url, comment, pr_url=None, post_data=None, repo=None, method=None, sha=None): pr_id = None if pr_url is not None: # Validate PR url match = re.match(r'^http.*/(\d+)(/files|/commits)?$', pr_url) if match: pr_id = match.group(1) else: print("Can't find pull-request ID, you should warn the reviewer that you updated the pull-request") return False # get connection info if repo is None: repo = remote_repo() url = api_url.format(repo=repo, pr_id=pr_id, sha=sha) # Say what we are doing if comment is not None and (Config.LOGLEVEL == "debug" or Config.LOGLEVEL == "info"): print(comment) call_on = "" if pr_url is not None: call_on = "for " + pr_url print(" $ api-call " + url + " " + call_on) return github_call(url, post_data, method=method) def github_call(url, post_data=None, fail_ok=False, method=None): token = get_github_token() # make query if post_data is not None: if method is None or method == "POST": ret = requests.post(url, headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data=post_data) elif method == "PATCH": ret = requests.patch(url, headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data=post_data) else: print("Unknown method call with data in github_call " + method) exit(1) elif method is None or method == "GET": ret = requests.get(url, headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) elif method == "DELETE": ret = requests.delete(url, headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) else: print("Unknown method call in github_call " + method) exit(1) # process output if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code >= 300: if fail_ok: return None else: logfail("Github query error " + ret.reason) print(ret.text) if not Config.force: exit(12) # return result return ret.json() # Retrieve current user organizations def get_github_orgs(): orgs = [] data = github_call("https://api.github.com/user/orgs", fail_ok=True, method="GET") if data is not None: for org in data: orgs.append(org["login"]) return orgs import sys import requests import json # trick to make fake import compatible with regular import if 'Config' not in vars(): from common import * Config.REDMINE_ALT_API_URL = "https://redmine.normation.com" Config.REDMINE_API_URL = "https://issues.rudder.io" Config.REDMINE_API_LIMIT = 100 Config.REDMINE_CLOSED_STATUSES = [5, 6, 16, 11] # 5=Released, 6=rejected, 16=resolved, 11=Pending release Config.REDMINE_META_TRACKERS = [3] Config.ACCESS_ROLE_LIST = [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 ] # 7=Product owner, 3=Scrum master, 8=Lead developer, 4=Developer, 5=Reporter, 11=Release manager, 6=Consultant, 9=Integrator Config.REDMINE_NRM_GROUP = 314 Config.REDMINE_ALT_NRM_GROUP = 36 Config.TRACKER_NAME_MAPPING = { 'Bug': 'bug', 'User story': 'ust', 'Architecture': 'arch', 'Change': 'chg', 'Problem': 'pbm', 'Incident': 'inc', 'Enhancement': 'enh' } Config.PENDING_TR_CODE = 3 Config.IN_PROGRESS_CODE = 9 Config.CUSTOM_FIELD_PR = 3 Config.ALT_CUSTOM_FIELD_PR = 1 Config.BUG_TACKER_ID = 1 Config.PENDING_MERGE_CODE = 12 Config.DISCUSSION_CODE = 4 Config.REDMINE_VERSION_DETECTOR = [ (r'master|.*~alpha1', r'master', False), (r'(\d+\.\d+)-.*', r'\1', True), (r'(\d+\.\d+).*', r'\1', False) ] class Issue: """Class to hold informations about a single issue""" def __init__(self, name, must_be_open=True): """name is a string like: 1234 or i1234""" self.must_be_open = must_be_open self.info = None if name.startswith('#'): name = name [1:] self.name = name is_internal = re.match(r'i(\d+)', name) if is_internal: self.id = int(is_internal.group(1)) self.token = Config.REDMINE_ALT_TOKEN self.api_url = Config.REDMINE_ALT_API_URL self.custom_field_pr = Config.ALT_CUSTOM_FIELD_PR self.internal = True # Some deprecated usage of these global vars still exist Config.REDMINE_API_URL = Config.REDMINE_ALT_API_URL Config.REDMINE_TOKEN = Config.REDMINE_ALT_TOKEN else: self.id = int(name) self.token = Config.REDMINE_TOKEN self.api_url = Config.REDMINE_API_URL self.custom_field_pr = Config.CUSTOM_FIELD_PR self.internal = False self.server = Redmine(self.internal) def __getitem__(self, key): """Make Issue behave like a dict""" self._get_info() if key not in self.info: return None return self.info[key] def __contains__(self, key): """Make Issue behave like a dict""" self._get_info() return key in self.info def _get_version(self, issue_info, error_fail=True): """Extract a friendly version from an issue information""" if 'fixed_version' not in issue_info: if error_fail: logfail("***** BUG: Can't extract version from #" + self.name) exit(2) else: return None version = self.server.major_or_master(issue_info['fixed_version']['name']) if version is not None: return (issue_info['fixed_version']['id'], version) elif error_fail: logfail("***** BUG: Can't extract version from " + issue_info['fixed_version']['name'] + " in #" + self.name) exit(2) else: return None def _get_info(self): """Get issue informations from redmine""" if self.info is not None: return self.info # Find issue in redmine print("Looking for Redmine ticket #" + self.name + "... ", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() # to display previous unfinished line issues_req = self.server._query("/issues/" + str(self.id) + ".json?include=journals") issue = issues_req.json()['issue'] if issues_req.status_code == requests.codes.ok else None if not issue: print("Not found!") logfail("***** ERROR: ticket not found. Exiting.") if not Config.force: exit(2) else: print("Done") # Check ticket type if issue['tracker'] in Config.REDMINE_META_TRACKERS: print("This is a question ticket! You cannot make a pull request on this ticket.") logfail("***** ERROR: This is a question ticket. Exiting.") if not Config.force: exit(2) # Check ticket status if self.must_be_open and issue['status']['id'] in Config.REDMINE_CLOSED_STATUSES: print("This ticket is closed! You cannot make a pull request on this ticket.") logfail("***** ERROR: Closed ticket. Exiting.") if not Config.force: exit(2) if 'fixed_version' not in issue: print("This ticket has no target version! I can't make a branch against its repository.") logfail("***** ERROR: Missing target version. Exiting.") if not Config.force: exit(2) self.data = issue # Get ticket elements info = {} info['type'] = issue['tracker']['name'] info['name'] = issue['subject'] (info['version_id'],info['version']) = self._get_version(issue) info['project_id'] = issue['project']['id'] info['tracker_id'] = issue['tracker']['id'] info['priority_id'] = issue['priority']['id'] info['subject'] = issue['subject'] info['description'] = issue['description'] info['private'] = 'is_private' in issue and issue['is_private'] if 'category' in issue: info['category_id'] = issue['category']['id'] if 'is_private' in issue: info['is_private'] = issue['is_private'] if 'assigned_to' in issue: info['assigned_to_id'] = issue['assigned_to']['id'] if 'custom_fields' in issue: for field in issue['custom_fields']: if field['id'] == self.custom_field_pr and 'value' in field and field['value'] is not None and field['value'] != '': info['pr'] = field['value'] # Get ticket's last assignment besides me my_id = self.server.get_redmine_uid() if my_id is not None: if 'journals' in issue: for journal in issue['journals']: if 'details' in journal: for detail in journal['details']: if detail['name'] == 'assigned_to_id' and 'old_value' in detail and detail['old_value'] is not None and detail['old_value'] != '': if int(detail['old_value']) != my_id: info['last_assignee'] = int(detail['old_value']) self.info = info return info def branch_name(self): """Create a branch name base on this issue""" branchified_name = re.sub("__+", "_", re.sub("[^" + string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "]", "_", self['name'].strip().lower())).strip("_") if self.internal: id = 'i' + str(self.id) else: id = str(self.id) if self['private']: branch_name = Config.TRACKER_NAME_MAPPING[self['type']] + "_" + id + "/_" else: branch_name = Config.TRACKER_NAME_MAPPING[self['type']] + "_" + id + "/" + branchified_name return branch_name def existing_branch(self): """Check if a branch already exists fir this issue""" for line in os.popen("git branch --no-color --list"): if self.internal: ticket = 'i'+str(self.id) else: ticket = str(self.id) match = re.search(r'^\*?\s*(\w+_' + ticket + r'/.*?)\n', line) if match: return match.group(1) return None # Beware, we don't update in memory status, throw away 'self' after calling this def _update_issue(self, change, message=None, alt_message=None): """Change the ticket content if possible""" if Config.REDMINE_TOKEN is None: return False # prepare info if self.can_modify(): info = { 'issue': change } if message is not None: info['issue']['notes'] = message else: if alt_message is None: print("Cannot update the issue, you should update it manually status here " + self.api_url + "/issues/" + str(self.id)) return False info = { 'issue': { 'notes': alt_message } } # send info ret = self.server._query("/issues/" + str(self.id) + ".json", put_data=json.dumps(info)) if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code >= 300: logfail("Issue Update error: " + ret.reason) print(ret.text) if not Config.force: exit(3) return True def update(self, user_id=None, pr_url=None, message=None, status=None): """Change ticket state and comment it""" # Create note content note = None if pr_url is not None: note = "PR " + pr_url if message is not None: if note is None: note = message else: note += "\n" + message change = {} # fill ticket data with developer available content if status is not None: change['status_id'] = status if user_id is not None: change['assigned_to_id'] = user_id if note is not None: change['notes'] = note if pr_url is not None: change['custom_fields'] = [ { 'id': self.custom_field_pr, 'value': pr_url } ] self._update_issue(change, message, message) def to_in_progress(self, message=None): """Change the ticket state to In progress""" change = { 'status_id': Config.IN_PROGRESS_CODE, } if Config.REDMINE_TOKEN is not None: change['assigned_to_id'] = self.server.get_redmine_uid() self._update_issue(change, message) def to_status(self, status, assign_to, message=None): """Change the ticket state to pending_merge""" change = { 'status_id': status, 'assigned_to_id': assign_to, } self._update_issue(change, message) def clone(self, version_id, new_title, bug=False): """Clone this issue making the new one a child of this one""" self._get_info() new_info = {} for i in ('project_id', 'tracker_id', 'priority_id', 'subject', 'description', 'category_id', 'fixed_version_id', 'is_private'): if i in self.info: new_info[i] = self.info[i] new_info['parent_issue_id'] = self.id if bug: new_info['tracker_id'] = Config.BUG_TACKER_ID new_info['description'] = "There was a bug in the resolution of #" + str(self.id) if new_title is not None: if new_title.startswith('+'): subject = new_info['subject'] m = re.match("(.*) - .*", subject) if m: subject = m.group(1) new_info['subject'] = subject + " - " + new_title.replace('+', ' ', 1) else: new_info['subject'] = new_title new_info['fixed_version_id'] = version_id return self.server._create_issue(new_info) def url(self): return self.api_url+"/issues/"+str(self.id) def can_modify(self): return self.server.can_modify_issues(self['project_id']) def update_version(self, version): if not self.can_modify(): logfail("Cannot change ticket version since you are not a developer, you should change it manually before calling retarget") exit(13) # list all versions versions = self.server.version_list(self.info['project_id']) # keep versions that match and that are still open valid_versions = [ v for v in versions if v['status'] == 'open' and v['name'].startswith(version) ] # there should only only, but in doubt keep the last one final_version = valid_versions[-1] # set the version self._update_issue({ 'issue': { 'fixed_version_id': final_version['id'] } }) self.info['fixed_version'] = final_version (self.info['version_id'],self.info['version']) = self._get_version(self.info) class Redmine: """Class to query a redmine server""" def __init__(self, internal): self.internal = internal self.can_modify = None if internal: self.token = Config.REDMINE_ALT_TOKEN self.api_url = Config.REDMINE_ALT_API_URL self.nrm_group = Config.REDMINE_ALT_NRM_GROUP else: self.token = Config.REDMINE_TOKEN self.api_url = Config.REDMINE_API_URL self.nrm_group = Config.REDMINE_NRM_GROUP def _query(self, query, post_data=None, put_data=None): """ Function to directly request the right redmine server """ if post_data is not None: ret = requests.post(self.api_url + query, headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': self.token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data = post_data) elif put_data is not None: ret = requests.put(self.api_url + query, headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': self.token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data = put_data) else: ret = requests.get(self.api_url + query, headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': self.token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) return ret def create_issue(self, project_id, subject, description, tracker_id, version_id): new_info = { 'project_id': project_id, 'description': description, 'subject': subject, 'fixed_version_id': version_id, 'tracker_id': tracker_id } return self._create_issue(new_info) def _create_issue(self, new_info): """ Private method for use just above, do not call """ ticket_json = json.dumps({ 'issue': new_info }) ret = self._query("/issues.json", ticket_json) if ret.status_code != 201: logfail("Issue creation error: " + ret.reason + "\n" + ret.text) if not Config.force: exit(3) if self.internal: new_id = 'i' + str(ret.json()['issue']['id']) else: new_id = str(ret.json()['issue']['id']) return Issue(new_id) def can_modify_issues(self, project_id): """ Return true if the current user can modify an issue in the given project """ if self.can_modify is not None: return self.can_modify if self.token is None or self.token == "": return False user = self._query("/users/current.json?include=memberships").json() for membership in user['user']['memberships']: if membership['project']['id'] == project_id: for role in membership['roles']: if role['id'] in Config.ACCESS_ROLE_LIST: self.can_modify = True return True self.can_modify = False return False def list_nrm_users(self): return self._query("/users.json?group_id=" + str(self.nrm_group)).json()['users'] def version_list(self, project): """ Return a list of version as given by the redmine API """ return self._query("/projects/" + str(project) + "/versions.json").json()['versions'] def has_locked_version(self, project): """ True if there is at least one locked version for this project """ for v in self.version_list(project): if v['status'] == "locked": return True def get_redmine_uid(self): """ Get current redmine user """ if self.token is None or self.token == "": return None user = self._query("/users/current.json") return user.json()['user']['id'] def major_or_master(self, version): """ Return the major version or "master" if it is in alpha status """ for k,v,recheck in Config.REDMINE_VERSION_DETECTOR: if re.match(k, version): major = re.sub(k, v, version) if recheck: # we d n't know the alpha status, let's check it against the rudder project alpha = False for v in self.version_list("rudder"): if v["status"] == "closed": continue # stop if we found a version matching major that is not alpha if v["name"].startswith(major): if re.search(r"alpha", v["name"]): alpha = True else: return major # If there is only alpha then it is currently alpha if alpha: return "master" # If it is not declared -> ?? else: logfail("***** ERROR: Cannot find version status " + version) exit(4) return major return None def issue_from_branch(branch, must_be_open=True): """ Create issue object from given branch """ match = re.match(r'[A-Za-z]+_(i?\d+)/.*', branch) if match: return Issue(match.group(1), must_be_open) else: logfail("***** ERROR: This is not a ticket branch: " + branch) exit(4) # # distutils/version.py # # Implements multiple version numbering conventions for the # Python Module Distribution Utilities. # # $Id$ # """Provides classes to represent module version numbers (one class for each style of version numbering). There are currently two such classes implemented: StrictVersion and LooseVersion. Every version number class implements the following interface: * the 'parse' method takes a string and parses it to some internal representation; if the string is an invalid version number, 'parse' raises a ValueError exception * the class constructor takes an optional string argument which, if supplied, is passed to 'parse' * __str__ reconstructs the string that was passed to 'parse' (or an equivalent string -- ie. one that will generate an equivalent version number instance) * __repr__ generates Python code to recreate the version number instance * _cmp compares the current instance with either another instance of the same class or a string (which will be parsed to an instance of the same class, thus must follow the same rules) """ import re from itertools import zip_longest class Version: """Abstract base class for version numbering classes. Just provides constructor (__init__) and reproducer (__repr__), because those seem to be the same for all version numbering classes; and route rich comparisons to _cmp. """ def __init__ (self, vstring=None): if vstring: self.parse(vstring) def __repr__ (self): return "%s ('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def __eq__(self, other): c = self._cmp(other) if c is NotImplemented: return c return c == 0 def __lt__(self, other): c = self._cmp(other) if c is NotImplemented: return c return c < 0 def __le__(self, other): c = self._cmp(other) if c is NotImplemented: return c return c <= 0 def __gt__(self, other): c = self._cmp(other) if c is NotImplemented: return c return c > 0 def __ge__(self, other): c = self._cmp(other) if c is NotImplemented: return c return c >= 0 # The rules according to Greg Stein: # 1) a version number has 1 or more numbers separated by a period or by # sequences of letters. If only periods, then these are compared # left-to-right to determine an ordering. # 2) sequences of letters are part of the tuple for comparison and are # compared lexicographically # 3) recognize the numeric components may have leading zeroes # # The LooseVersion class below implements these rules: a version number # string is split up into a tuple of integer and string components, and # comparison is a simple tuple comparison. This means that version # numbers behave in a predictable and obvious way, but a way that might # not necessarily be how people *want* version numbers to behave. There # wouldn't be a problem if people could stick to purely numeric version # numbers: just split on period and compare the numbers as tuples. # However, people insist on putting letters into their version numbers; # the most common purpose seems to be: # - indicating a "pre-release" version # ('alpha', 'beta', 'a', 'b', 'pre', 'p') # - indicating a post-release patch ('p', 'pl', 'patch') # but of course this can't cover all version number schemes, and there's # no way to know what a programmer means without asking him. # # The problem is what to do with letters (and other non-numeric # characters) in a version number. The current implementation does the # obvious and predictable thing: keep them as strings and compare # lexically within a tuple comparison. This has the desired effect if # an appended letter sequence implies something "post-release": # eg. "0.99" < "0.99pl14" < "1.0", and "5.001" < "5.001m" < "5.002". # # However, if letters in a version number imply a pre-release version, # the "obvious" thing isn't correct. Eg. you would expect that # "1.5.1" < "1.5.2a2" < "1.5.2", but under the tuple/lexical comparison # implemented here, this just isn't so. # # Two possible solutions come to mind. The first is to tie the # comparison algorithm to a particular set of semantic rules, as has # been done in the StrictVersion class above. This works great as long # as everyone can go along with bondage and discipline. Hopefully a # (large) subset of Python module programmers will agree that the # particular flavour of bondage and discipline provided by StrictVersion # provides enough benefit to be worth using, and will submit their # version numbering scheme to its domination. The free-thinking # anarchists in the lot will never give in, though, and something needs # to be done to accommodate them. # # Perhaps a "moderately strict" version class could be implemented that # lets almost anything slide (syntactically), and makes some heuristic # assumptions about non-digits in version number strings. This could # sink into special-case-hell, though; if I was as talented and # idiosyncratic as Larry Wall, I'd go ahead and implement a class that # somehow knows that "1.2.1" < "1.2.2a2" < "1.2.2" < "1.2.2pl3", and is # just as happy dealing with things like "2g6" and "1.13++". I don't # think I'm smart enough to do it right though. # # In any case, I've coded the test suite for this module (see # ../test/test_version.py) specifically to fail on things like comparing # "1.2a2" and "1.2". That's not because the *code* is doing anything # wrong, it's because the simple, obvious design doesn't match my # complicated, hairy expectations for real-world version numbers. It # would be a snap to fix the test suite to say, "Yep, LooseVersion does # the Right Thing" (ie. the code matches the conception). But I'd rather # have a conception that matches common notions about version numbers. class LooseVersion (Version): """Version numbering for anarchists and software realists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as described above. A version number consists of a series of numbers, separated by either periods or strings of letters. When comparing version numbers, the numeric components will be compared numerically, and the alphabetic components lexically. The following are all valid version numbers, in no particular order: 1.5.1 1.5.2b2 161 3.10a 8.02 3.4j 1996.07.12 3.2.pl0 2g6 11g 0.960923 2.2beta29 1.13++ 5.5.kw 2.0b1pl0 In fact, there is no such thing as an invalid version number under this scheme; the rules for comparison are simple and predictable, but may not always give the results you want (for some definition of "want"). """ component_re = re.compile(r'(\d+ | [a-z]+ | \.)', re.VERBOSE) def __init__ (self, vstring=None): if vstring: self.parse(vstring) def parse (self, vstring): # I've given up on thinking I can reconstruct the version string # from the parsed tuple -- so I just store the string here for # use by __str__ self.vstring = vstring components = [x for x in self.component_re.split(vstring) if x and x != '.'] for i, obj in enumerate(components): try: components[i] = int(obj) except ValueError: pass self.version = components def __str__ (self): return self.vstring def __repr__ (self): return "LooseVersion ('%s')" % str(self) def _cmp (self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = LooseVersion(other) for i, j in zip_longest(self.version, other.version, fillvalue=''): if type(i) != type(j): i = str(i) j = str(j) if i == j: continue elif i < j: return -1 else: # i > j return 1 return 0 # end class LooseVersion ## GLOBAL VARIABLES Config.RUDDER_DEV_ORIGIN = "https://repository.rudder.io/tools/rudder-dev" Config.WARN_FOR_UPDATE_AFTER = 30 # days Config.LIFECYCLES = [ { "name": "rudder", "project_id": "21", "detection": r'^\*?\s+remotes/{}/branches/rudder/(.*)', "format": [ "branches/rudder/{}" ], }, { "name" : "master_only", "detection": r'(.*)', "format": "master", }, ] ### ### Internal functions ### # update normation user list cache and return updated user list def update_nrm_users(project_id): users = get_cache_info(Config.REDMINE_API_URL) if users is None: users = {} # just update it otherwise we would have only project specific data in it user_list = requests.get(Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/memberships.json?limit=100", headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': Config.REDMINE_TOKEN } ) for user in user_list.json()['memberships']: if 'user' in user: # it can be a user or a group id = user['user']['id'] user_data = requests.get(Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/users/" + str(id) + ".json", headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': Config.REDMINE_TOKEN } ) try: user_detail = user_data.json()['user'] # some user cannot get info on some other users, but not all except ValueError: continue if 'mail' in user_detail: # accept both normation.com and rudder.io adresses if user_detail['mail'].endswith("normation.com") or user_detail['mail'].endswith("rudder.io"): trigraph = (user_detail['firstname'][0] + user_detail['lastname'][:2]).upper() github_account = '' for field in user_detail['custom_fields']: if field['name'] == "GitHub": github_account = field['value'] users[trigraph] = { 'id': id, 'trigraph': trigraph, 'firstname':user_detail['firstname'] , 'lastname':user_detail['lastname'], 'github':github_account } set_cache_info(Config.REDMINE_API_URL, users) return users # get users ad trigraph for normation users def get_nrm_users(project_id): users = get_cache_info(Config.REDMINE_API_URL) if users is None: return update_nrm_users(project_id) return users # Ask for a user using its trigraph def ask_username(project_id, trigraph): # List Normation users and index by trigraph user_ids = get_nrm_users(project_id) # Ask for trigraph of user until found if trigraph is not None: trigraph = trigraph.upper() while trigraph not in user_ids: print("Assign to ?") for user in user_ids.values(): print(" " + user['trigraph'] + ". " + user['firstname'] + " " + user['lastname']) print(" NON. No one") print("Enter trigraph (or 'r' to reload user list, 'n' for ): ", end='') sys.stdout.flush() # to display previous unfinished line trigraph = sys.stdin.readline().strip().upper() if trigraph == 'R': user_ids = update_nrm_users(project_id) if trigraph == 'NON': return None # update cache if it was created by an old rudder_dev if 'github' not in user_ids[trigraph]: user_ids = update_nrm_users(project_id) return (user_ids[trigraph]['id'], user_ids[trigraph]['github']) current_lifecycle = None # Get the current lifecycle def get_lifecycle(): global current_lifecycle if current_lifecycle is not None: return current_lifecycle # Update branches so get new branches from UPSTREAM shell("git fetch --force " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, "Fetching upstream " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + " to detect lifecycle") lines = os.popen("git branch --no-color --list -a").readlines() for lifecycle in Config.LIFECYCLES: for line in lines: if re.match(lifecycle["detection"].format(Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY), line): current_lifecycle = lifecycle return current_lifecycle return current_lifecycle version_list = None version_dict = None # get the version list for a given project def get_versions(internal=False): global version_list, version_dict if version_list is not None: return (version_list, version_dict) # list all versions in git lifecycle = get_lifecycle() if lifecycle['name'] == 'master_only': return (['master'], {}) # unknown version id wince master can match many versions git_version_list = [] for line in os.popen("git branch --no-color --list -a"): m = re.match(lifecycle["detection"].format(Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY), line) if m: git_version_list.append(m.group(1)) # list all versions using redmine server = Redmine(False) redmine_version_list = [] version_dict = {} for version in server.version_list(lifecycle['project_id']): if version['status'] != 'open': continue v = None for k,val,recheck in Config.REDMINE_VERSION_DETECTOR: if re.match(k, version['name']): if recheck: logfail("***** ERROR: There should not be any version in the rudder project that looks like a plugin version: " + k ) v = re.sub(k, val, version['name']) break if v in git_version_list or v == 'master': redmine_version_list.append(v) version_dict[v] = version['id'] # keep unique name and sort version_list = list(set(redmine_version_list)) # order is the right one because x.y < 'master' version_list.sort(key=LooseVersion) return (version_list, version_dict) # get the version after old def get_next_version(old, internal=False): all_versions = get_versions(internal)[0] new = None for idx, version in enumerate(all_versions): if old == version: if idx < len(all_versions)-1: new = all_versions[idx+1] if new is None: logfail("Don't know how to find the version after " + old) exit(9) return new # Get branch name from version def branch_from_version(version): if version == "master": return version else: # detect lifecycle and base the name on it # assume firt position is not next lifecycle = get_lifecycle() branch = lifecycle['format'][0].format(version) print("Branch name for version '"+version+"' is: " + branch) return branch # Get a version from a branch name def version_from_branch(branch): if branch == "master": return branch else: # detect lifecycle and extract the name lifecycle = get_lifecycle() for f in lifecycle["format"]: m = re.match(f.format('(.*)'), branch) if m: print("Version for branch '" + branch + "' is: " + m.group(1)) return m.group(1) return None # Find remote repository name from current directory def remote_repo(): value = shell("git remote -v", keep_output=True).strip() match = re.search(r'git@github.com:Normation/(.*?).git', value) if match: return match.group(1) match = re.search(r'https://github.com/Normation/(.*?)(/|.git)', value) if match: return match.group(1) logfail("Can't find remote repository") exit(10) # create a new PR def create_pr(master_branch, issue, message): url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls" user = get_github_user() body = Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/issues/" + str(issue.id) if message is not None: body += "\n\n" + message + "\n" if issue['private']: title = '' else: title = issue['name'] pr = '{ "title": ' + json.dumps('Fixes #' + str(issue.id) + ": " + title) + ',' pr += ' "body": ' + json.dumps(body) + ',' pr += ' "head": "' + user + ':' + current_branch + '",' pr += ' "base": "' + master_branch + '" }' result = github_request(url, "Creating PR ...", pr_url=None, post_data=pr) if 'html_url' in result: return result['html_url'] elif 'errors' in result and 'message' in result['errors'][0]: error_message = result['errors'][0]['message'] logfail("Error occurred in create PR: " + error_message) else: logfail("Unknown error occurred in create PR") if not Config.force: exit(16) else: return None # add a message to a given pull-request on github def update_pr(pr_url, info, comment): message = info if comment is not None: message += "\\n" + comment issue = '{ "body": "' + message + '" }' url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/comments" github_request(url, "Updating PR ...", pr_url, issue) # close a given pull-request on github def close_pr(pr_url, comment): # Add comment on the closing reason issue = '{ "body": "' + comment + '" }' url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/comments" github_request(url, "Commenting PR ...", pr_url, issue) # close the PR issue = '{ "state": "closed" }' url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}" github_request(url, "Closing PR ...", pr_url, issue) # get PR upstream branch def get_pr_upstream(pr_url): url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/pulls/{pr_id}" pr = github_request(url, None, pr_url) return pr['base']['ref'] # get PR merge commit def get_pr_merge_commit(pr_url): url = "https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/issues/{pr_id}/events" pr_events = github_request(url, None, pr_url) pr_merged = [ pr for pr in pr_events if pr["event"] == "merged" ] if len(pr_merged) != 1: logfail("Can't find merge commit for pull request") exit(12) return pr_merged[0]['commit_id'] # Commit and push, if needed squash WIP and force push def commit_push(branch, message, force_amend=False, fixup=False): # Fork if needed if github_fork(): # github fork is asynchronous but pretty fast, this should be sufficient time.sleep(2) # in case of amend, check that we have a base commit if force_amend: # get commit message commit = shell("git show --oneline -s ", keep_output=True).strip() # extract issue id from commit match = re.match(r'.* Fixes #(i?\d+):.*', commit, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if match: commit_issue_id = int(match.group(1)) else: commit_issue_id = 0 # extract issue id from branch branch_issue_id = issue_from_branch(current_branch).id # refuse wrong amend unless forced if commit_issue_id != branch_issue_id: print("You are trying to amend on a commit that is not on the same branch as your issue, this is likely an error !") print(" Commit: " + commit) print(" Branch: " + current_branch) print("You may want to do a 'rudder-dev commit' first") if not Config.force: exit(1) # git add if needed files = shell("git status --untracked-files=no --porcelain", keep_output=True) # git status returns a space at beginning of a line if the file is not indexed # if all lines start with a space then nothing is indexed if re.search(r'^[^ ]', files, flags=re.M) is None: # beware, this is a double negation # if nothing is indexed, call git add -u shell("git add -u", "No file added, adding all tracked files that were modified") (code, wip, err) = shell("git log --grep \"^Work in progress\" HEAD^..", keep_output=True, fail_exit=False) if code == 0: wip = wip.strip() else: wip = '' commit_cmd = "git commit" if message != '': # replace ' with '"'"', which will be replaced by the shell commit_cmd += " -m '" + message.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'" if force_amend or wip != "": commit_cmd += " --amend --no-edit" if fixup: commit_cmd += " --fixup HEAD" shell(commit_cmd, "Committing") # Should we check the need for rebasing before pushing ? push_cmd = "git push " + Config.OWN_REPOSITORY + " " + branch if force_amend or wip != "": push_cmd += " --force" shell(push_cmd, "Pushing to " + Config.OWN_REPOSITORY + " ... ") # insert a line in a file after a regex has matched def insert_line(filename, regex, text): content=[] with open(filename, "r+") as fd: for line in fd: content.append(line) if re.match(regex, line): content.append(text) fd.seek(0) fd.truncate() fd.writelines(content) # fetch a branch from a PR def fetch_branch_from_pr(pr): branch_name = pr.remote_branch() fetch_branch_from_pr_as(pr, branch_name + "_pr") return branch_name + "_pr" def fetch_branch_from_pr_as(pr, new_name): branch_name = pr.remote_branch() # compare remote_branch/repo_name with upstream/repo_name remote_url = os.popen("git ls-remote --get-url " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY).readline() match = re.match(r'.*/([^/]+)\.git$', remote_url) if pr.repo_name != match.group(1): logfail("The repository of this PR doesn't match your current repository name") if not Config.force: exit(17) # PR can be rebased, force fetch the branch shell("git fetch --update-head-ok " + pr.repo() + " +" + branch_name + ":" + new_name, "Fetching branch from remote " + pr.repo()) # fetch a branch from a PR given in an Issue def fetch_branch_from_issue(issue): if 'pr' not in issue or issue['pr'] == '': logfail("There is no PR in this issue " + issue.name) exit(15) pr = PR(issue['pr']) new_name = issue.branch_name() fetch_branch_from_pr_as(pr, new_name) return new_name def github_fork(): # we don't need to fork if the remote is known remotes = shell("git remote show", keep_output=True).strip() if re.search('^'+Config.OWN_REPOSITORY+"$", remotes, flags=re.MULTILINE): return False # fork the report if not already forked if Config.REMOTE_PROTOCOL == 'ssh': base_url = "git@github.com:" else: base_url = "https://github.com/" user = get_github_user() remote = remote_repo() fork_needed = shell("git ls-remote " + base_url + user + "/" + remote + ".git HEAD > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $?", keep_output=True).strip() if fork_needed != "0": github_request("https://api.github.com/repos/Normation/{repo}/forks", "Forking repository ...", pr_url=None, post_data="") # Add the remote repository to the local list shell("git remote add " + Config.OWN_REPOSITORY + " " + base_url + user + "/" + remote + ".git", "Adding own remote repository") # Tell if we forked or not return fork_needed != "0" # Find if there is work in progress and stash it stashed=False def stash(): global stashed # count number of change change_count = shell("git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no | wc -l", keep_output=True).strip() if change_count != "0": # stash them shell("git stash save --keep-index", "Stashing current work") stashed = True # If we stash, it means we are going to checkout # Store global current_branch for use by rudder-dev - set_cache_info("last_branch", current_branch, remote_repo()) # Find if there is stashed work and unstash it unstashed=False not_unstashed=False def unstash(): global unstashed,not_unstashed # get current branch (the global variable may not be accurate in flight) this_branch = shell("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", keep_output=True).strip() # do not unstash if we are on an origin branch since you should not work directly on them remote_count = shell("git ls-remote -h " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + " " + this_branch + " | wc -l", keep_output=True).strip() if remote_count != "0": return # list available stashes stash_output = shell("git stash list", keep_output=True) for line in stash_output.splitlines(): # parse match = re.match(r'^(stash@{.*?}): WIP on (.*?):.*', line) if match: # match with current branch if match.group(2) == this_branch: # only unstash things we have stashed if not stashed: not_unstashed=True return # unstash it shell("git stash pop --index '" + match.group(1) + "'" , "Unstashing previous work") unstashed=True # unstash only once return # Tell the user if some stash command happened def stash_info(): if stashed: print("Some work in progress has been found, " + Config.ERROR_TPL.format("I stashed it") + " before running the commands, to retrieve it use git stash pop") if unstashed: print("Previous work in progress has been found in the stash, " + Config.ERROR_TPL.format("I unstashed it") + ", to hide it again, use git stash save") if not_unstashed: print("Previous work in progress has been found in the stash, " + Config.ERROR_TPL.format("I left it stashed") + ", to unstash it, use git stash pop") ### ### MAIN methods ### branch, commit, rebase, clone, pull ### # Create a branch from a ticket id def create_branch(ticket, base=None): global current_branch issue = Issue(ticket) existing_branch = issue.existing_branch() if existing_branch is not None: shell("git checkout " + existing_branch, "Found existing branch, checkouting " + existing_branch) return # get ticket info print("* Found " + issue['type'] + " #" + str(issue.id) + ": " + issue['name']) print("* Target: " + issue['version']) print("* URL: " + Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/issues/" + str(issue.id)) # Detect an existing PR if 'pr' in issue: print("Warning, a pull request already exists for this issue!") print("Do you want to create a new branch from scratch or take over existing code?") print("Type 'c' to create or 't' to takeover [c]:", end='') sys.stdout.flush() # to display previous unfinished line choice = sys.stdin.readline().strip().upper() if choice == "T": takeover(ticket) return # else continue # manage the original branch if base is not None: if re.match(r'^.\d*$', base): # fetch base branch branch_name = fetch_branch_from_issue(Issue(base)) else: branch_name = base # checkout the new branch shell("git checkout " + branch_name, "Checkouting the base branch " + branch_name) else: # Look for release branch and ckeckout its last version pull(issue['version']) # Create the branch current_branch = issue.branch_name() shell("git checkout -b " + current_branch, "Creating branch " + current_branch) # Set ticket's status issue.to_in_progress() print("") print("# Now you can edit files") print("# When you're ready, add them with git add") print("# Then type:") print(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + " commit") print("") # new version, changelog, commit def technique(version, message): # check current directory cwd = os.getcwd() match = re.match(r'(.*)/techniques/(.*)', cwd) if not re.match(r'.*/techniques/.*', cwd): logfail("***** ERROR: You must be in a technique directory") exit(7) basedir = match.group(1) techniquedir = match.group(2) script = basedir + '/scripts/technique-files' if not os.path.isfile(script): logfail("***** ERROR: You must be in rudder-technique repository") exit(7) last_version = shell(script + " -ld .", keep_output=True).strip() match = re.match(r'\./(\d+\.\d+)', last_version) if not match: logfail("***** ERROR: There must be at least one version of the technique in the current directory") exit(7) last_version = match.group(1) # check next version match = re.match(r'\d+\.\d+', version) if not match: logfail("***** ERROR: Version must be of the form x.y") exit(7) # check branch info issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) # new version shell("cp -r " + last_version + " " + version, "Creating the version " + version) # Commentend out since we should deprecated only in next major realse # Kept here just in case we need the code later ## Deprecate old version #insert_line(last_version + "/metadata.xml", # r'\s* " + date + "\n" changelog += " * Version " + version + "\n" changelog += " ** " + message + "\n" with open(version + "/changelog", "a") as fd: fd.write(changelog) # maintained technique list insert_line(basedir + "/maintained-techniques", techniquedir + "/" + last_version, techniquedir + "/" + version + "\n") shell("git add " + basedir + "/maintained-techniques", "Adding maintained-techniques") # commit shell("git add " + version, "Adding next version") technique = os.path.basename(cwd) commit_cmd = "git commit -m \"Refs #" + str(issue.id) + ": Creation of " + technique + " version " + version + " from " + last_version + "\"" shell(commit_cmd, "Committing") # clone ticket, change version, branch, helper def subtask(next_version, new_title, base=None, bug=False): # make a clone child ticket with next version if base is None: issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch, False) else: issue = Issue(base, False) if next_version is None: if bug: next_version = issue['version'] next_version_id = issue['version_id'] else: next_version = get_next_version(issue['version']) all_versions = get_versions()[0] answer = "" while answer not in all_versions: print("You didn't specify --bug nor a specific version") print("I assume that you are writing a patch for merging into next version") print("Current version: " + issue['version'] + " Next version? ", end="") print(all_versions, end="") print(" (default " + next_version + "): ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() # to display previous unfinished line answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if answer == "": answer = next_version next_version = answer next_version_id = get_versions()[1][next_version] else: next_version_id = get_versions()[1][next_version] print("Next version will be " + str(next_version)) print("Cloning ticket #" + issue.name) new_issue = issue.clone(next_version_id, new_title, bug) print(" > ticket #" + str(new_issue.id) + " created " + Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/issues/" + str(new_issue.id)) # test merge status pull(next_version) logs = shell("git log --no-merges '--grep=Fixes #" + str(issue.id) + "' --oneline", "Looking for ticket commit in " + next_version, keep_output=True) # rudder-dev branch # if branch has been merged, just do a regular branch if len(logs) != 0: create_branch(new_issue.name) # if branch has not been merged, base the ticket on the original else: create_branch(new_issue.name, current_branch) # rebase to next_version next_branch = branch_from_version(next_version) shell("git rebase -i " + next_branch, "Rebasing to " + next_version) # commit, push def wip(): # must be on a working branch issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) commit_push(current_branch, "Work in progress") url = "https://github.com/{user}/{repo}/commit/{commit}" user = get_github_user() repo = remote_repo() commit = shell("git rev-parse HEAD", keep_output=True).strip() # add a wip comment on the issue to find it later commit_url = url.format(user=user, repo=repo, commit=commit) issue.update(message="Work in progess here: " + commit_url) print("You can find the commit here: " + commit_url) # open a quickfix issue then and link it def quick_fix_pr(pr_url, trigraph=None, merge=False): # find PR pr = PR(pr_url) # get infos title = pr.title() version = version_from_branch(pr.base_branch()) version_id = get_versions()[1][version] lifecycle = get_lifecycle() if 'project_id' not in lifecycle: logfail("Cannot guess redmine project, cannot open an issue") exit(3) project_id = lifecycle['project_id'] # open issue server = Redmine(False) issue = server.create_issue(project_id, title, "Automatically opened by rudder-dev", Config.BUG_TACKER_ID, version_id) print("Opened issue #" + str(issue.id)) # set pr url issue.update(pr_url=pr_url, status=Config.PENDING_TR_CODE) # add issue to pr pr.comment(issue.url()); # Take over the issue takeover(issue.name) # commit if merge and trigraph is None: trigraph = "BPE" # or anywone willing to needlessly receive a mail commit(trigraph) # close original pr new_issue = Issue(issue.name) # same as the other one but updated pr.close("Superseded by " + new_issue['pr']) # merge if merge: new_pr = PR(new_issue['pr']) new_pr.label(Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL) # open a type issue then and resolve it def quick_fix_local(filename, subject, trigraph=None): print("Local fix not yet implemented") exit(1) # Commit, push, create pull-request, update ticket def commit(trigraph=None, message=None, nopr=False): issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) master_branch = branch_from_version(issue['version']) # commit and push if issue['private']: title = '' else: title = issue['name'].replace("\"", "\\\"") if nopr is True: prefix = "Refs" else: prefix = "Fixes" commit_push(current_branch, prefix + " #" + str(issue.id) + ": " + title) if nopr is True: return # create PR pr_url = create_pr(master_branch, issue, message) pr = PR(pr_url) # update ticket if Config.REDMINE_TOKEN is not None: if issue.can_modify(): (user, github) = ask_username(issue['project_id'], trigraph) else: (user, github) = (None, '') print("Updating ticket #" + str(issue.id)) issue.update(user, pr_url, message, status=Config.PENDING_TR_CODE) print("Ticket updated: " + Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/issues/" + str(issue.id)) if github != '': print("Updating issuer") pr.set_reviewer(github) else: print("You can now update the ticket here " + Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/issues/" + str(issue.id)) print("PR URL: " + str(pr_url)) # amend commit, push -f, comment PR def amend(comment=None): issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) # commit over last commit and push if issue['private']: title = '' else: title = issue['name'].replace("\"", "\\\"") commit_push(current_branch, "Fixes #" + str(issue.id) + ": " + title, True) # Remove labels if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': pr = PR(issue['pr']) # Remove validated labels to avoid a direct merge by quality-assistant pr.unlabel(Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL) # Remove cannot merge labels to permit merge again pr.unlabel(Config.BOT_CANNOT_MERGE_LABEL) # reassign ticket if 'last_assignee' in issue: issue.update(user_id=issue['last_assignee'], status=Config.PENDING_TR_CODE) # Message on PR if there is one if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': update_pr(issue['pr'], "Commit modified", comment) print("Done, you can see the PR here: " + issue['pr']) else: print("No PR found.") # fixup commit, push, comment PR def fixup(comment=None): issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) # commit over last commit and push if issue['private']: title = '' else: title = issue['name'].replace("\"", "\\\"") commit_push(current_branch, "Fixes #" + str(issue.id) + ": " + title, False, True) # Remove labels if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': pr = PR(issue['pr']) # Remove validated labels to avoid a direct merge by quality-assistant pr.unlabel(Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL) # Remove cannot merge labels to permit merge again pr.unlabel(Config.BOT_CANNOT_MERGE_LABEL) # reassign ticket if 'last_assignee' in issue: issue.update(user_id=issue['last_assignee'], status=Config.PENDING_TR_CODE) # Message on PR if there is one if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': update_pr(issue['pr'], "PR updated with a new commit", comment) print("Done, you can see the PR here: " + issue['pr']) else: print("No PR found.") # rebase, push -f, comment PR def rebase(comment=None, base=None): issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) # Remove labels to avoid a direct merge by quality-assistant if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': pr = PR(issue['pr']) pr.unlabel(Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL) pr.unlabel(Config.BOT_CANNOT_MERGE_LABEL) # fetch before rebasing if base is not None: if re.match(r'^.\d*$', base): # base branch from ticket id branch_name = fetch_branch_from_issue(Issue(base)) else: # base branch from branch name branch_name = base else: # base branch from upstream repository shell("git fetch --force " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, "Fetching upstream " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) origin_branch = branch_from_version(issue['version']) branch_name = Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + "/" + origin_branch # # First rebase without commits from source branch # # This is necessary because we may have modified the original commit and force pushed it # with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmpscript: # script = """#!/bin/sh #perl -i -ne "print unless s/^pick \w+ Fixes #(?!%(ticket)s)//" "$1" #""" % { "ticket": str(issue.id)} # tmpscript.write(script.encode("utf-8")) # tmpscript.close() # os.system("chmod +x " + tmpscript.name) # # If it fails, let the interactive rebase try to fix it # shell("EDITOR=" + tmpscript.name + " git rebase -i " + branch_name, "First rebase to remove parent commits (EDITOR keeps only \"pick Fixes #" + str(issue.id) + "\" lines)", fail_exit=False) # os.unlink(tmpscript.name) # Then interactive rebase shell("git rebase -i " + branch_name, "Rebasing") # if OK: continue shell("git push --force " + Config.OWN_REPOSITORY + " " + current_branch, "Pushing rebased branch") # reassign ticket if 'last_assignee' in issue: issue.update(user_id=issue['last_assignee']) # Message on PR if there is one if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': update_pr(issue['pr'], "PR rebased", comment) print("Done, you can see the PR here: " + issue['pr']) else: print("No PR found.") # close PR, rebase, push -f, create PR, update ticket def retarget(version=None): issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) # update ticket if required if version is not None: print("Changing target version in the ticket to " + version) issue.update_version(version) print("New version " + issue['version']) ticket_branch = branch_from_version(issue['version']) if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': upstream_branch = get_pr_upstream(issue['pr']) if ticket_branch == upstream_branch: print("Ticket branch and PR branch match (" + upstream_branch + "), no need to retarget!") return # fetch before rebasing shell("git fetch " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, "Fetching upstream " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) # interactive rebase shell("git rebase -i " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + "/" + ticket_branch, "Rebasing") if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': # if OK: continue shell("git push --force " + Config.OWN_REPOSITORY + " " + current_branch, "Pushing rebased branch") # create new PR pr_url = create_pr(ticket_branch, issue, "Replacing previous PR: " + issue['pr']) if pr_url: # close old PR close_pr(issue['pr'], "PR replaced by " + pr_url) # update ticket user = None if 'last_assignee' in issue: user = issue['last_assignee'] issue.update(user, pr_url) print("New PR URL: " + pr_url) # ckeckout version, pull def pull(version=None): global current_branch if version is not None: branch = branch_from_version(version) # branch if needed branch_status = shell("git branch --list " + branch, keep_output=True).strip() if branch_status == "": shell("git fetch " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, "Local branch doesn't exist, fetching from " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) remote_branch_status = os.popen("git branch --no-color --list --remote " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + "/" + branch) if remote_branch_status == "": logfail("No such branch on " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + ": " + branch + ", Aborting ...") exit(8) shell("git branch --track " + branch + " " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + "/" + branch, "Creating local branch") # checkout if needed if branch != current_branch: shell("git checkout " + branch, "Checkouting " + branch) current_branch = branch # Pull branch_detail = shell("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}", keep_output=True).strip() if re.match(Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + '/.*', branch_detail): shell("git pull --ff-only", "Pulling on " + branch_detail) else: logfail("Your branch is not based on the same " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + " branch") exit(8) # clone from NRM, fork, add OWN, set-upstream def clone(name, fork=False): token = get_github_token(can_fail=True) if token is not None and Config.REMOTE_PROTOCOL == 'ssh': url = "git@github.com:Normation/" else: url = "https://github.com/Normation/" shell("git clone --origin " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + " " + url + name + ".git", "Cloning Normation repository") if fork: os.chdir(name) github_fork() # takevover a ticket with an existing PR def takeover(ticket): global current_branch issue = Issue(ticket) existing_branch = issue.existing_branch() if existing_branch is not None: logfail("***** ERROR: Can't take over a ticket with a matching branch already existing in your repository") exit(12) # fetch base branch current_branch = fetch_branch_from_issue(issue) # checkout the new branch shell("git checkout " + current_branch, "Checkouting the base branch " + current_branch) # same workflow as work in progress (but with an existing commit) commit_push(current_branch, "Work in progress", True) # Set ticket's status issue.to_in_progress("I'm taking over this issue!") print("") print("# Now you can edit files") print("# When you're ready, add them with git add") print("# Then type:") print(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + " commit") print("") # Merge remote version first_merge=True def merge_version(old, new, strategy=None, automatic=False, test=False, run_tests=True): global current_branch pull(old) branch = branch_from_version(old) lifecycle = get_lifecycle() if test and not first_merge: test_branch = old + "_test" shell("git checkout " + test_branch) branch = test_branch current_branch = test_branch merge_branch(branch, new, strategy, automatic, new, test, run_tests) # Squash commits in PR if necessary def pre_merge_squash(version, pr_branch, pr, test=False): global current_branch pull(version) log = shell("git log --pretty='format:%s' " + pr.base_branch() + ".." + pr_branch, keep_output=True) if re.search(r'^fixup! ', log, flags=re.MULTILINE): if not test: pr.comment("""OK, squash merging this PR""") shell("git checkout " + pr_branch, "Checkouting local PR branch") current_branch = pr_branch shell("EDITOR=true git rebase -i --autosquash " + pr.base_branch(), "Squashing multicommits") if not test: shell("git push --force " + pr.repo() + " " + pr_branch + ":" + pr.remote_branch(), "Pushing merged branch") return True return False # Merge remote branch def merge_branch(old, new, strategy=None, automatic=False, dsc_version="", test=False, run_tests=True): global first_merge, current_branch pull(new) opts = "" if strategy is not None: if strategy.startswith("upto_"): match = re.match(r'upto_(.*)', strategy) # Use "ours" strategy if are jut after the limit if old == branch_from_version(match.group(1)): opts = " -s ours" # no need for option otherwise: either we are before -> default option, or we are after and there should be nothing to merge else: opts = " -s " + strategy if automatic: opts += " --no-edit " if test: test_branch = new + "_test" shell("git branch -D " + test_branch + " 2>/dev/null || true") shell("git checkout -b " + test_branch) current_branch = test_branch currentDir = os.getcwd() isRudderPlugins = os.path.exists(currentDir + "/main-build.conf") isRudderPluginsPrivate = os.path.exists(currentDir + "/rudder-plugins") isPluginRepo = isRudderPlugins or isRudderPluginsPrivate # don't fail if merge fail within plugins, this is expected, especially on plugins-private shell("git merge " + old + opts, "Merging " + old + " into " + new, fail_exit=not isPluginRepo) # handle merge of specific rudder-plugins files if isPluginRepo: # rudder-plugins, only main-build.conf, we should ignore conflicts here and keep file as it is if isRudderPlugins: shell("git restore main-build.conf --ours && git add main-build.conf", "restore main build.conf", fail_exit=False) # rudder-plugins-private, checkout and update dsc to current top of branch (a branches/rudder/x.y), we use a new parameter (name parameter, that was unused and is now renamed to dsc_branch) new_branch = branch_from_version(new) if isRudderPluginsPrivate: shell("cd dsc/rudder-agent-windows && git fetch && git checkout "+new_branch+" && git pull && cd ../.. && git add dsc/rudder-agent-windows " , "checkout rudder agent plugin to "+new_branch, fail_exit=False) # rudder-plugins-private, checkout and update rudder-plugins to the same branch as we are currently on (new), as we can merge into branches, we need to use branch_from_version shell("cd rudder-plugins && git fetch && git checkout "+new_branch+" && git pull && cd .. && git add rudder-plugins" , "checkout rudder plugin to " + new_branch, fail_exit=False) opts = "" if automatic: opts += " --no-edit " shell(" git diff --quiet && git diff --quiet --staged || git commit -m 'Update submodules' "+opts, "Commiting") # run merge tests if there are some if run_tests: toplevel = shell("git rev-parse --show-toplevel", keep_output=True).strip() if os.path.isfile(toplevel+"/"+Config.QA_TEST): # cleanup the repo before tests shell("git clean -f", "Cleanup repository") (code, x, y) = shell('cd "' + toplevel + '" && ./' + Config.QA_TEST + " --merge", "Running merge tests", fail_exit=False) if code != 0: # signal a test error to the caller with a specific error code exit(127) first_merge = False if not test: shell("git push " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + " " + branch_from_version(new), "Pushing merged branch") # Merge remote version automatically guessing the next one def merge_to_next(old, strategy=None, automatic=False, test=False, run_tests=True): new = get_next_version(old) merge_version(old, new, strategy, automatic, test, run_tests) # Merge all versions to next one def merge_all(strategy=None, automatic=False, test=False, run_tests=True): for version in get_versions()[0][:-1]: merge_to_next(version, strategy, automatic, test, run_tests) # Merge given issue into its target branch and upmerge def merge_issue(issue_name=None, strategy=None, automatic=False, test=False, run_tests=True, no_autosquash=False): # get issue info if issue_name is None: issue = issue_from_branch(current_branch) else: issue = Issue(issue_name) if 'pr' not in issue or issue['pr'] == '': logfail("There is no PR in this issue " + issue.name) exit(15) merge_pr(issue['pr'], strategy, automatic, test, run_tests, no_autosquash) # Merge given PR into its target branch and upmerge def merge_pr(pr_url, strategy=None, automatic=False, test=False, run_tests=True, no_autosquash=False): pr = PR(pr_url) # PR must be tested if pr.draft(): print("This PR is a draft.") logfail("***** ERROR: PR is a draft. Exiting.") exit(15) # PR must be tested if not test and not pr.tests_passed(): print("This PR tests haven't passed. You should not merge it.") logfail("***** ERROR: PR is not tested. Exiting.") if not Config.force: exit(15) # PR must be validated if not test and not pr.is_labeled(Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL) and pr.review_approval() is not True: print("This PR is not labeled '" + Config.PR_VALIDATED_LABEL + "' nor approved. You should not merge it.") logfail("***** ERROR: PR is not validated. Exiting.") if not Config.force: exit(15) # get merge info pr_branch = fetch_branch_from_pr(pr) version = version_from_branch(pr.base_branch()) if version is None: logfail("**** ERROR: cannot guess version of branch " + pr.base_branch() + " Exiting.") exit(15) print("Target origin merge branch version found for PR: " + version) # squash commits squashed = False if not no_autosquash: squashed = pre_merge_squash(version, pr_branch, pr, test) if not test and not squashed: # comment for the merge if not already done pr.comment("""OK, merging this PR""") # regular merge merge_branch(pr_branch, version, strategy, automatic, pr.repo()+":"+pr.remote_branch(), test, run_tests) # upmerge last_version = get_versions()[0][-1] while version != last_version: merge_to_next(version, strategy, automatic, test, run_tests) version = get_next_version(version) # Revert commit from ticket passed as parameter, use retarget to keep changes on next branch def revert(ticket, retarget = False): issue = Issue(ticket, False) # Find merge commit id if 'pr' in issue and issue['pr'] != '': commit = get_pr_merge_commit(issue['pr']) else: logfail("There is no pull request linked to that issue, abort reverting") exit(1) pull(issue['version']) # If we retarget a change, we want only this change to be reverted, so ensure we have already merged the branch correctly if retarget: merge_to_next(issue['version']) # Reverting shell("git revert -m1 " + commit, "Reverting issue #" + str(issue.id) + ":" + issue["name"]+ ", commit: " + commit ) shell("git push " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, "Updating " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) # If we retarget that issue, merge it with ours strategy so the chnage is still present in next version if retarget: merge_to_next(issue['version'], "ours") # Run a command on all branches def find(command): status = {} for branch in get_versions()[0]: pull(branch) (status[branch], x, y) = shell(command, "Running your command", fail_exit=False) print("---") for branch in get_versions()[0]: ok = "OK" if status[branch] == 0 else "ERR" print("%6s: %3s (%d)" % (branch, ok, status[branch])) print("---") # cleanup branches def cleanup(more=False, dry=False): shell("git fetch " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, "Fetching " + Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) pull('master') # necessary to avoid removal errors branch_list = shell("git branch --no-color --no-column", keep_output=True) for branch in branch_list.splitlines(): m = re.match(r'^\s*((?:bug|dev|int|impl|ust|UST)_(\d+)/.*)\s*$', branch) if m: branch=m.group(1) ticket_id = m.group(2) print("#" + ticket_id + ": ", end='') issue = Issue(ticket_id) tickets_req = issue.server._query("/issues/" + str(ticket_id) + ".json") remove = False # guess if we should remove the branch if tickets_req.status_code == requests.codes.ok: ticket = tickets_req.json()['issue'] # The ticket is closed -> probably if ticket['status']['id'] in Config.REDMINE_CLOSED_STATUSES: print("ticket closed, ", end='') version = None if 'fixed_version' in ticket: version = issue.server.major_or_master(ticket['fixed_version']['name']) should_ask = False if version is not None: upstream = Config.UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY + '/' + branch_from_version(version) (code, cherry_list, err) = shell("git cherry " + upstream + " " + branch + " 2>/dev/null", keep_output=True, fail_exit=False) if code == 0 and cherry_list == "": # Everything is merged -> YES print("commits merged upstream, ", end='') remove = True else: # Some commits mays not have been merged -> Ask the user print("some commits not merged upstream, ", end='') should_ask = True else: # Can't find upstream branch -> ask the user print("can't check upstream branch from ticket, ", end='') should_ask = True if more and should_ask: print(Config.REDMINE_API_URL + "/issues/" + ticket_id) print("Do you want to remove it ? [y/N]", end='') sys.stdout.flush() # to display previous unfinished line answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip().upper() if answer.upper() == "Y": remove = True # The ticket is open -> NO if remove: print("removing: " + branch) if not dry: shell("git branch -d " + branch, "Deleting local " + branch) shell("git push " + Config.OWN_REPOSITORY + " --delete " + branch, "Deleting remote " + branch, fail_exit=False) else: print("keeping: " + branch) def update(): my_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) with open(my_path, 'r') as fd: my_text = fd.read() data = requests.get(Config.RUDDER_DEV_ORIGIN) if data.status_code != requests.codes.ok: logfail("Cannot get last version of rudder-dev sorry!") exit(14) new_text = data.text # No update needed if my_text == new_text: print("No update needed!") (code, x, y) = shell("touch '" + my_path + "'", "Trying touch to avoid warnings", fail_exit=False) if code != 0: shell("sudo touch '" + my_path + "'", "Trying sudo touch to avoid warnings") exit(0) # Try to update rudder-dev with our access rights try: with open(my_path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(new_text) except Exception as e: # Try with sudo instead shell("cat <<'EOF' | sudo tee '" + my_path + "' > /dev/null \n" + new_text + "\nEOF\n") print("rudder-dev has been updated, well done!") def check_update(): my_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) # mtime = last modification = content changed ctime = os.path.getmtime(my_path) days_ago = (time.time() - ctime) / 60 / 60 / 24 if days_ago > Config.WARN_FOR_UPDATE_AFTER: print("Your version of rudder-dev is old and probably needs an update, please run 'rudder-dev update'") # else everything is up to date def blame(filename, long_format, before_commit, changed_from): commit_opt = "" if before_commit is not None: commit_opt = before_commit + "^1" reverse_opt = "" if changed_from is not None: reverse_opt = "--reverse " + changed_from + "..HEAD" # get ordered list of commit id commits = shell("git log --oneline --abbrev=7", keep_output=True) # abbrev used is +1 in git blame !! commit_list = commits.split("\n") commit_list = [ x.split(' ',1)[0] for x in commit_list ] blame = shell("git blame -s -w --abbrev=6 " + reverse_opt + " " + filename + " " + commit_opt, "Blaming file " + filename, keep_output=True) output = "" for line in blame.split('\n'): # extract commit id match = re.search(r'([0-9a-f]+?) (.*)', line) if match: commit_id = match.group(1) if commit_id == "0000000": log = "new" else: if changed_from is not None: # in reverse mode, git returns the previous commit, so replace it with the next one commit_index = commit_list.index(commit_id) if commit_index == 0: # we are on the last commit, so the line has never been changed log = "never" commit_id = "never" else: commit_id = commit_list[commit_list.index(commit_id)-1] log = shell("git show --oneline -s " + commit_id, keep_output=True).strip() else: log = shell("git show --oneline -s " + commit_id, keep_output=True).strip() # format the log line and add it to the blame if long_format: output += "%-65.65s %s\n" % (log, match.group(2)) else: m = re.search(r'^([0-9a-f]+?) (Fixes|Merge|Ref).*?(\d{4,})', log) if m: logtype = "" if m.group(2) == "Fixes": logtype = "F" if m.group(2) == "Ref": logtype = "R" if m.group(2) == "Merge": logtype = "M" logline = m.group(1) + " " + logtype + " #" + m.group(3) else: logline = commit_id output += "%-18.18s %s\n" % (logline, match.group(2)) print(output) # Main loop if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = docopt.docopt(__doc__) read_configuration("rudder-dev") # smart argument smart = arguments[''] arguments['back'] = False if smart: if smart == '-': arguments['back'] = True elif re.match(r'^i?\d{2,5}$', smart): arguments['branch'] = True arguments[''] = smart elif re.match(r'^\d\.(\d+|x)$|^master$', smart): arguments['pull'] = True arguments[''] = smart elif re.match(r'^[A-Z]{3}$', smart): arguments['commit'] = True arguments[''] = smart else: logfail("Error, unknown " + smart) exit(10) # Force argument is a global variables Config.force = arguments['-f'] or arguments['--force'] if not arguments['clone']: # this is the only exception # check repository and get common info (code, current_branch, error) = shell("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", keep_output=True, fail_exit=False) current_branch = current_branch.strip() if code != 0: logfail("***** ERROR: Unable to get the current git branch name, this directory is probably not a git repository") exit(11) # check if update is needed check_update() # standard arguments if arguments['-d'] or arguments['--debug']: Config.LOGLEVEL = "debug" if arguments['back']: last_branch = get_cache_info("last_branch", remote_repo()) if last_branch is None: logfail("***** ERROR: No last branch recorded.") exit(16) stash() shell("git checkout " + last_branch) stashed=True # automatically unstash previous work unstash() elif arguments['clone']: clone(arguments[''], arguments['--fork']) elif arguments['pull']: stash() pull(arguments['']) unstash() stash_info() elif arguments['branch']: stash() create_branch(arguments[''], arguments['--base']) unstash() stash_info() elif arguments['quickfix']: arg = arguments[''] if arg.startswith("http"): # subject / trigraph is for documentation, docopt makes no difference if arguments[''] is not None: logfail("You must not pass subject for an existing PR fix") exit(3) quick_fix_pr(arg, arguments[''], arguments['--merge']) else: if arguments['--merge']: logfail("You cannot merge your own quickfix") exit(3) quick_fix_local(arg, arguments[''], arguments['']) elif arguments['technique']: technique(arguments[''], arguments['']) elif arguments['subtask']: stash() subtask(arguments[''], arguments[''], arguments['--base'], arguments['--bug']) unstash() stash_info() elif arguments['wip']: wip() elif arguments['commit']: commit(arguments[''], arguments[''], arguments['--nopr']) elif arguments['amend']: amend(arguments['']) elif arguments['fixup']: fixup(arguments['']) elif arguments['rebase']: rebase(arguments[''], arguments['--base']) elif arguments['retarget']: retarget(arguments['']) elif arguments['takeover']: stash() takeover(arguments['']) unstash() stash_info() elif arguments['revert']: revert(arguments[''], arguments['--retarget']) elif arguments['merge']: stash() before_merge_branch = current_branch automatic = arguments['-a'] or arguments['--automatic'] test = arguments['-t'] or arguments['--test'] run_tests = not ( arguments['-n'] or arguments['--no-qa-test'] ) if arguments['all']: # rudder-dev merge all merge_all(arguments[''], automatic, test, run_tests) elif arguments[''] is not None: # rudder-dev merge first next merge_version(arguments[''], arguments[''], arguments[''], automatic, test, run_tests) elif arguments[''] is None: # rudder-dev merge merge_issue(strategy=arguments[''], automatic=automatic, test=test, run_tests=run_tests, no_autosquash=arguments['--no-autosquash']) elif re.match(r'^i?\d{3,}$', arguments['']): # 3+ digits -> ticket_id: rudder-dev merge ticket_id merge_issue(arguments[''], arguments[''], automatic, test, run_tests) elif re.match(r'^https?://', arguments['']): # starts with http:// -> pr_url: rudder-dev merge pr merge_pr(arguments[''], arguments[''], automatic, test, run_tests, arguments['--no-autosquash']) else: # rudder-dev merge first merge_to_next(arguments[''], arguments[''], automatic, test, run_tests) shell("git checkout " + before_merge_branch, "Going back to the branch we were before merge") unstash() elif arguments['find']: find(arguments['']) elif arguments['cleanup']: cleanup(arguments['--more'], arguments['-n'] or arguments['--dry-run']) elif arguments['update']: update() elif arguments['blame']: blame(arguments[''], arguments['--long'], arguments['--before'], arguments['--changed-after'])