[rudder-users] tags, comments and best practise

tim taler robur314 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 17:59:12 CET 2019

while evaluating rudder (community version for now)
I'm missing too features that I came to like in cfengine.

First: is the ability to insert a couple of lines (block)
at an arbitrary "anchor" in a config file
(insert line-s after/before line matching)
One use-case for this would be the
editing of /etc/rsyslog.conf

I usually like to use my own template, which needs
to go into the "global directive" section rather than at the end of the file.

therefor I would need to replace:
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat

$template TraditionalFormatWithPRI,"%pri-text%: %timegenerated%
%HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n"

$ActionFileDefaultTemplate TraditionalFormatWithPRI
(or even more extensive templates)

Can I do this with rudder right now?
I'm aware of the discussion line replacement vs. template expansion
(control the whole file...) but it to me it often seems easier to do
a specific line editing than keeping than dealing with templates
(like in case of slightly different flavors of the same file e.g.

Second: another feature I'm missing are the comments per promise(!).
I believe it would be useful to have a comment field on top of the
individual promise to store various hints: reason for this promise,
hints to different approaches etc.

Use case here is documentation and a possibility to reference to
external documents.
On the directive level there is the possibility to ass tags an a short
and extended description, but that seems "far away" and to general.
a concrete case would be to map sections from
(or https://verinice.com/)
benchmarks/controls into a policy
to simply show "we are X% CIS compatible"

Before blindly filing feature request for this I would rather like to see
if this topics might have been discussed before and if they make sense to

TIA and best regards

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