[rudder-users] Rudder and android

Cédric Cabessa ccabessa at genymobile.com
Mon Apr 7 12:53:56 CEST 2014

2014-04-03 12:49 GMT+02:00 nicolas schont <nicolas.schont at ac-versailles.fr>:
> the agent rudder for android is avaible ? or if only for test, we can
> test it ?

I happen to work with cfengine on Android (co-wrote the paper in
linuxmag with Matthieu and give the talk you mentioned)

You can build cfengine for android (>=3.6.0b2 should contains all the
necessary patches) and the latest rudder release are Android

What I do is to compile cfengine with the android ROM (we use a
customized android version).
So the rudder-agent is bundled as a standard android daemon.

If you want to build a rudder agent for your Samsung / LG / Sony /
Whatever Phone, you need to do some work:
  * compile the agent for every version / manufacturer (use NDK)
  * Root your phone (cfengine need root)
  * Bundle everything in a Android app to launch it at boot, maybe
configure bootstrap server, ...
  * Put in the playstore, be rich :-)

As far as I know, there is not yet a ready to use rudder-agent for the
"on the shelve" android devices.

But this is an interesting challenge, and I'll be happy to help you if I can.


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