
User defined parameters

Rudder provides a simple way to add common and reusable variables in either plain Directives, or techniques created using the Technique editor: the parameters.


The parameters enable the user to specify a content that can be put anywhere, using the following syntax:

  • In Directives: ${} will expand the content of the "name" parameter.
  • In the Technique Editor: ${} will do the same.

Using this, you can specify common file headers (this is the default parameter, "rudder_file_edit_header"), common DNS or domain names, backup servers, site-specific elements…

System variables

Rudder also provides system variables that contain information about nodes and their policy server. You can use them like user defined parameters.

The information about a Node:

  • ${} returns the Rudder generated id of the Node
  • ${rudder.node.hostname} returns the hostname of the Node
  • ${rudder.node.admin} returns the administrator login of the Node

The information about a Node's policy server.

  • ${} returns the Rudder generated id of the Policy Server
  • ${rudder.node.policyserver.hostname} returns the hostname of the Policy Server
  • ${rudder.node.policyserver.admin} returns the administrator login of the Policy Server