On Debian or Ubuntu

Following commands are executed as the root user.

Add the Rudder project repository:

echo "deb http://www.rudder-project.org/apt-4.1/ $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rudder.list

Update your local package database to retrieve the list of packages available on our repository:

apt-get update

For Rudder Server, upgrade all the packages associated to rudder-server-root:

  • With apt-get:
apt-get install rudder-server-root ncf ncf-api-virtualenv

and after the upgrade of these packages, restart jetty to apply the changes on the Web application:

service rudder-jetty restart

For Rudder Agent, upgrade the rudder-agent package:

apt-get install rudder-agent

Rudder includes a script for upgrading all files, databases, etc… which need migrating. Therefore, you should not replace your old files by the new ones when apt-get/aptitude asks about this, unless you want to reset all your parameters.


Rudder 4.1 requires Java RE version 8 or more, which is not packaged be default on Debian 7 nor Ubuntu 14.04 On these platforms, prior to upgrade Rudder, you will need to install Java RE 8, either from Oracle site https://www.java.com or through any other means of your choice

You can now upgrade your local techniques.