Following commands are executed as the root user.

Add the Rudder packages repository:

  • On a SLES 11 system:
zypper ar -n "Rudder SLES repository" http://www.rudder-project.org/rpm-3.1/SLES_11_SP1/ Rudder
  • On a SLES 10 system:
zypper sa "http://www.rudder-project.org/rpm-3.1/SLES_10_SP3/" Rudder

Update your local package database to retrieve the list of packages available on our repository:

zypper ref

For Rudder Server, upgrade all the packages associated to rudder-server-root:

zypper update "rudder-*" "ncf*"

SLES 11 uses PostgreSQL 8.3 by default, which is not supported by Rudder and will cause various glitches in the web interface, as well as reporting failures.

It is really mandatory to migrate to PostgreSQL 8.4 at least (9.1+ is recommended).

Please look at Install Rudder Root server on SLES for details.

and after the upgrade of these packages, restart jetty to apply the changes on the Web application:

service rudder-jetty restart

For Rudder Agent, upgrade the rudder-agent package:

zypper update rudder-agent

You can now upgrade your local techniques.