Details of the metadata.xml file

<TECHNIQUE id="technique_unique_id" name="human_name_of_the_technique">
  <DESCRIPTION>Description of the Technique</DESCRIPTION>
  <LONG_DESCRIPTION>Long description of the technique</LONG_DESCRIPTION>
  <DEPRECATED>Deprecation message</DEPRECATED>                <!-- Mark the Technique as deprecated, deprecation message is mandatory, Only available since Rudder 3.0 -->
  <DISPLAY>true/false</DISPLAY>                               <!-- Define if the Technique is displayed in the interface or not. Default value : true -->
  <COMPATIBLE>                                                <!-- Optional, describe the version of the OS and CFEngine Agent the Technique has been tested on. Only for information purpose -->
    <OS version=">=2.5">OS Name</OS>                          <!-- Optional; OS Name and version on which the Technique has been tested -->
    <AGENT version=">=3.6">cfengine-community</AGENT>         <!-- Optional; Agent name and version on which the Technique has been tested -->
  <MULTIINSTANCE>true/false</MULTIINSTANCE>                   <!-- Optional; defines if several instances of this template with differents variables can be deployed on a node; default value : false -->
  <SYSTEM>true/false</SYSTEM>                                 <!-- Optional, defines if this Technique is a system Technique (internal Rudder usage); default value : false -->
  <BUNDLES>                                                   <!-- List of the bundles that must be included in the bundlesequence -->
  <TMLS>                                                      <!-- List of all the templates defined by this Technique -->
   <TML name="tmlName">                                       <!-- Container for a TML (without the trailing .st -->
    <OUTPATH>relativ/path/of/file</OUTPATH>                   <!-- Optional; defines the relative path for the generated file for this template; default : techniqueName/version/ -->
    <INCLUDED>true/false</INCLUDED>                           <!-- Optional; defines if the template must be in the inputs list of the generated promises; default : true -->
  <TRACKINGVARIABLE>                                          <!-- Defines a special system variable TRACKINGKEY that contains all the necessary information to track which Directive generated the promises -->
    <SAMESIZEAS>VariableName</SAMESIZEAS>                     <!-- Optional; defines the cardinality of this variable based on the cardinality of the VariableName -->
  <SECTIONS>                                                  <!-- Lists all the sections of the promises -->
    <SECTION name="sectionName">                              <!-- Container of a section (see below) -->


The <SECTION> tag

In a metadata.xml, there can be only one SECTIONS tag, that encloses one or several SECTION tags. A SECTION tag contains variables declaration and subsections. A SECTION can contains Variables definitions and SECTION.

<SECTION name="sectionName" multivalued="true/false" component="true/false" componentKey="variableName/None">

A SECTION has the following attributes:

  • name : mandatory, the name of the section
  • multivalued : optional, default false, defines if the section is repetable or not. If so, the Web Interface will display a "Add another" and "Delete" button for this section
  • component : optional, default false; defines if the section is a component, and if true, the section will appear in the reporting, with its section name
  • componentKey: optional, default None; defines the variable that is the key of the component. Note that the componentKey can only be defined if component is true
  • displayPriority: optional, default high; defines if the section is displayed by default (high) or hidden by default (low)

A multivalued section can only contain variable, and cannot contain section


If there are no SECTION defined with component="true", a default SECTION for reporting will be generated, named after the id of the Technique (the folder name of the Technique)

Variables definitions in the <SECTION> tags

There are three tags to create a variable:

  • SELECT1: Can select only one value out of several. If there are less than 3 possible values, displays radio buttons, otherwise a select field.
  • SELECT: Can select several values out of al the possibles. Displays checkboxes.
  • INPUT: Displays an input field (that can be tuned)
<SELECT1/SELECT/INPUT>                                                        <!-- Depend on the display and behaviour needed -->
  <LONGDESCRIPTION>longDescription</LONGDESCRIPTION>                          <!-- Optional, set the text in the tooltips -->
  <UNIQUEVARIABLE>true/false</UNIQUEVARIABLE>                                 <!-- Optional, default false; if true, this variable will have the same value over all the instance of this template for a given node -->
  <ITEM>                                                                      <!-- Only for SELECT and SELECT1, list of selectable values -->
    <VALUE>value</VALUE>                                                      <!-- value that will be put in the template-->
    <LABEL>humanReadableText</LABEL>                                          <!-- value displayed in the web interface -->
  <CONSTRAINT>                                                                <!-- Optional, defines some constraints on values -->
    <DEFAULT>defaultValue</DEFAULT>                                           <!-- Optional; Defines a default value -->
    <TYPE>variableType</TYPE>                                                 <!-- Optional; default string; variable type -->
    <MAYBEEMPTY>true/false</MAYBEEMPTY>                                       <!-- Optional; default false; defines if the variable is optional or not; only for the INPUT variable -->
    <REGEX error="errorMsg">regex</REGEX>                                     <!-- Optional; only for the INPUT variable; efine a regular expression the variable should match, and an optional error message -->
    <PASSWORDHASH>hashtype</PASSWORDHASH>                                     <!-- Optional; only for the password TYPE variable; define the way a password will be handled (hashed or not, hash types allowed ...) -->

Note: It is possible to inline LABEL and VALUE in the ITEM tag

<ITEM label="Red" value="red"/>

is equivalent to


INPUT fields are automatically escaped, meaning any quote will be written in the policies as \" ; and any backslash will be written as \\

Available types for an INPUT variable

  • string : any string is accepted (no specific displayer)
  • textarea : accept any strings, but use a textarea in place of the input text.
  • perm : display a matrix of read/write/execute by user/group/all
  • integer : only accept integers
  • datetime : display a JQuery calendar and check date format
  • boolean : display a checkbox
  • mail : only accept emails
  • ip : only accept ips. Before Rudder 3.1.14, 3.2.7 and 4.0.0, "ip" was accepting only IPv4 ip. Since these releases, it accepts both IPv4 and IPv6 format. <br />
  • ipv4 [since Rudder 3.1.14, 3.2.7, 4.0.0]: only accept IPv4 formatedt IPs
  • ipv6 [since Rudder 3.1.14, 3.2.7, 4.0.0]: only accept IPv6 formatted IPs
  • size-<unit> : (size-b, size-kb, size-mb, size-gb ou size-tb)
  • raw : the content of this field will not be escaped when written in the promises (Rudder >= 2.6)
  • password : the content of this field will be handled as a password, and thus be hidden and transformed if necessary (see "Password handling" below) (Rudder >= 2.6)